The New Mixes with the Old

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Chapter 2:

We have been here for four days and I still haven't meet the mysteries Alpha Tom or his family. Not even a pack member. We have completely moved into the house and it looks wonderful inside and out. My dad told me that Alpha Tom is throwing a party to welcome our pack and us. But for the most part it's the joining ceremony.

My sister Chanel has been bugging the hell out of me to go dress and school shopping with her. Ever since she found out the party she has been bouncing off the walls. But I cna see were she's coming from we all need to look at-least look presentable. But knowing her we will be there from opening to closing.

"Jenelle come on! Get you lazy ass up we have shopping to do! An I want to look perfection!" Chanel is the direct opposite of me. As were I have jet black hair she has blond hair or I'm tan and she's well not. We are completely different.

"I'm up so shut the fuck up damn!" I walk up and open the door to let her in so she'll stop yelling.

"Good now get ready!"

"Ain't nobody get time for dat. Can't you just take the boys and Dad? What did I ever do you? Please don't make me go! Please Chanel!"

"Nope! You are going to get a dress and might even find your mate. I hope I do."

"I have a dress and so do you. An if you want a new one so bad take Dad and the boys to go with you. i will just sit there and just get board. I will even let you pick out my dress. If you let me stay home and sleep." I gave her my best puppy eyes (No pun intended) hoping she would let me stay. An let me tell you she looked like she was having an internal battle with herself about it.

"Nope!" She just had to pop the 'p' didn't she. I was upset I was running with a few hours of sleep with the dreams again. But that's not even why I'm so annoyed. The reason why I so up tight is my wolf has been moody and upset for the past four days and she won't let me sleep. I've tried asking Skylar whats wrong but she just says 'only time will tell' or 'in do time'. I've even heard her growl at me a few times for the Fates only know what for.

"Pop that p one more damn time and I'm going to pop you in the fucking nose. Try me."

"Please Jenelle they have no fashion." How is it that one minute I'm begging and then she's begging.

"Damn why am I a nice person? Okay, but just this time because they are assholes don't even know their own shoe sizes."

"Yes! Lets wake them up!"

"Nope" Popping that p gets on her nerves just like it does me."No I'll do it just watch and learn little sister."

I walk in my closet and get my 'goody bag' out. See living with eight boys and many and I mean many other males you learn to take care of yourself when it comes to the art of pranking. Knowing my awesome brothers Trevor, Kevin, and Joey they would be up and in the gym. While Xavier, Taylor, Jace, Scott and I would be sleeping. An Chanel would be up at the crack of dawn.

"We needed to request backup sister. I have an idea. To the gym!" We ran down the stairs to only be stopped by my Dad when we were about to pass his office.

"Hi girls! Where's the fire?" Yeah my Dad has a weird since of hummer. But of course my book smart sister didn't get it.

"No where Dad. What are you talking about?" I really do worry a bit about her.

"Chanel I do worry about you honey. Okay Jenelle Tell the old man what's going on or do I even what to know?"

"Well first off hello. An second off no most likely not." Well he's going to fined out later anyway.

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