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Our alarm clock goes off, signaling is time for us to take our things and take the shower before anyone could. There are three stalls and we are three. "Hurry up! Shower is waiting for us and if we're on time we can close front door of the bathroom with the key!"

Still on pj, we take our bag prepared the last night and run to the bathroom. We pass Heather and her two idiotic minions, obviously she decided to occupy the bathroom for who knows how much, but not today! I feel sorry for them, they seem to be good girls, but choose the wrong girl who decides to boss the around. We pull her outside, just before she closes herself inside, and run inside shutting the door on her face. "Ciao Heather! Enjoy your non shower this morning!"

We shut the windows too, not wanting any intruders, put our bags on the sink and head inside the cabins. We take our sweet time, even because shaving that part takes attention, care and is the first time we did it since we are here.

Once I finish got out from the stall with my towels around both hair and body and take my underwear and body lotion and turn back inside the cabin. "How much do I have to wait here outside? I need a shower!" I roll my eyes ignoring the bitches screams and whistle while I finish to dress up and sit beside the sink and start to blow my hair, waiting for the girls to finish too. "I'm done here, how much do you two need?"

"I'm getting dress right now. Court?" She answers walking near me and asks if i could  lend the hairdryer. "Sure. You can take your time. It will piss her off more and more. I'll be outside and let the girls in. Not everyone takes showers in the morning." As I walk outside I feel two hands pulling me away. Heather. "Move. I want the stall for myself." Out of reflex I push her away and see her falling on a mud puddle. "You wanna be alone? You wait your turn. You see who is behind you? They need to pee. Gwen, LeShawna you can go inside. Sorry for the time we take but we didn't trust heather with our things."

When I said this, Bridgette and Courtney walk outside too with their bags too and my hairdryer in the latter hand. "Who has to take their business with wc or shower and isn't bother to share it with other girls can get in."

Practically everyone other than Heather walks in. "It seems you will be the last one if there's time for your shower."

We walk inside our cabin and fix our things when a megaphone, which seems never used, goes off. "Attention campers! Meet us in ten minutes by the newly restored amphitheater!" Me and the girls look into each other's eyes and laugh our asses off knowing that Heather won't have time to take her so lovely shower.

We walk to the branches, sit in front of the boys of our team and see a very pissed off Heather glaring daggers to us. We just smile and wave at her wiggling our fingers. "Did you perhaps pissed Heather off?" With a sweet smile we nod. "We have to take shower and every time Heather monopolize the bathroom till who knows when, so we take our sweet revenge."

"Good morning campers! Today is gonna be a battle of talent! Everyone can join! You will be judged by or former Dj, Vj, Rap Legend: Chef! The camper of team who will get the top score, will make it's team win!"


"A battle of talent? That's not a bad idea. I've been cheer captain for the last four years and a cheerleader since I was little. I will ask to be a reserve and replace them if someone chicken's out."


"You will have eight hours to find your three competitors and to have practice for the show. From.... now!"

Our group is gathering in our area deciding who will show their talent. Me, Courtney and Bridget were deciding who will show their talent in front of Chef and who will be the reserve.

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