Chapter 19

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Mason felt a surge of adrenaline in his veins. His leg was fully recovered, and he was itching for a challenge.

"Come on, Mason. Don't you want to spar with me?" Ava taunted.

"Are you sure you're up for it, Ava? You might regret it," Mason retorted.

"Don't chicken out on me, Mason," Ava said.

She lunged at him, aiming for his stomach. Mason dodged her attack and kicked her in the ribs. She staggered back but grinned. She leaped up and threw a flurry of punches at his face.

"Ow," Mason grunted.

"I told you so," Ava said.

Mason blocked her next punch and increased his speed, darting around her and landing blows on her arms and legs. Ava struggled to keep up with him. He cornered her against the wall, and she had nowhere to run.

"I win, Ava," Mason declared.

He smiled and swung his fist at her face, but it was a mistake. Ava caught his arm with one hand and gathered a ball of energy with the other. She blasted Mason in the chest, sending him flying across the place. He hit the floor and blacked out.

He woke up the next day, feeling sore and confused.

"What the hell was that? And how can I do it?" Mason asked.

Ava laughed.

"Kid, that's not something you can learn overnight. It takes years of practice and discipline. But I can try to teach you," Ava said.

"Can we start now?" Mason asked eagerly.

"After we eat," Ava said.

They ate some food, and Mason was ready to begin his training. He stretched his muscles and did some warm-ups.

"We're not training like that," Ava said.

"What do you mean?" Mason asked, confused.

"Sit down. We're going to meditate," Ava said.

They sat down and closed their eyes. They didn't say a word, but Mason's mind was racing. He thought about his past, his future, his dreams, his fears.

"Relax," Ava said.

Mason took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind. He felt a presence near him. He opened his eyes and saw the eagle.

"There you are," Mason shouted.

"Is that your eagle?" Ava asked.

"Yes, it is," Mason said.

"Interesting. Have you ever tried to bond minds with him?" Ava asked.

"What do you mean by bonding minds?" Mason asked.

"He can be your eyes in the sky. Does he have a name?" Ava asked.

"Not yet, but how about... Ikaros?" Mason suggested.

"That's a nice name. To bond minds with him, you need to do a ritual," Ava said.

Mason attempted to do that, but Ikaros didn't seem to like it. He flapped his wings and flew away.

"You need to earn his trust first," Ava said.

"Right," Mason said.

Later that day, Mason tried to pet Ikaros, but he was reluctant. He eventually let him do it, but then he tried to touch his forehead again. This time, Ikaros moved closer to him. Ava saw this and asked Mason if he was ready to connect their minds. Mason agreed, and she performed a ritual. Mason and Ikaros fainted. When they woke up, Mason felt a bit nauseous, but Ikaros was fine.

"Let's test it. Tell him to fly away," Ava said.

Mason told Ikaros to fly away, and he obeyed. Mason was alone with Ava.

"OK, Mason. I need you to concentrate. You should be able to see what Ikaros sees," Ava said.

Mason focused, and his mind went blank. Then, he saw a bird's eye view of the world. He saw the trees, the mountains, the clouds.

"It's working!" Mason exclaimed.

"Good. Now tell Ikaros to come back, using your mind," Ava said.

Mason concentrated and reached out to Ikaros's mind.

"Come back, Ikaros," Mason said telepathically.

Ikaros heard him and flew back to him. Mason stroked his feathers.

"He'll always be loyal to you and give his life for you," Ava said.

Mason smiled at Ikaros.

"Mason, it's time to get back to meditating," Ava said.

They closed their eyes and meditated, and Ikaros settled beside them.

"This kid is full of surprises... He might put an end to the king," Ava thought.

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