Kyle Winter Hammond

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Name: Kyle Winter Hammond

Nickname: White Death, Merchant of Death, Winter Soldier



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"If you want something done, you do it yourself."

"Lock and Load!"

"Time to hit them hard and make them regret!"

Nationality: German/American

Age: 18

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Hair Color: Snow White

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Homeworld: Earth



-Apex Predators

-Hammond Robotics

Occupation: Pilot, Soldier, Future Heir to the IMC and Hammond Robotics


Heinrich Hammond (Grandfather)

Status: Alive

Karla Winters (Mother)

Status: Deceased

Hermann Hammond (Father)

Status: Deceased

Info: Kyle is an elite Ace Pilot and a veteran in the Frontier War. Unmistakably, he was only 12 years old when he was deployed into combat as a certified pilot and retired at the end of the Frontier War at the age of 16, serving 4 full years in active combat service. He is the pilot of a Vanguard-class Titan called DM-2729 or Delta-Mike-Two-Seven-Two-Nine. Kyle normally just called her Demi for short due to his Titan AI being female. During the war, his pilot suit was a protype armor called the Augmented Reaction Suit.

Background/History: Kyle Hammond, as the name implies, is the grandson of Heinrich Hammond AKA Dr. Hammond of Hammond Robotics. Kyle was born on the planet Earth in the core systems but was taken by his parents at the age of 4 to the planet Eden for a vacation trip. However, he was orphaned at the age of 4 when the colony was attack by the Frontier Militia as a Militia pilot gunned downed and killed his parents. He would have been killed but an IMC pilot saved him and took him in. However, Kyle's life would only get worse as he was taken to the ARES Division, led by General Marder. From there, he would do experiments of Kyle and augment him to become a supersoldier. Once the experiments were complete and he was the last subject to survive, General Marder gave him a prototype military armor called the Augmented Reaction Suit (ARS) in an effort to make him his ultimate weapon.

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