Lovesick: ch 2

219 14 4

If you be the cash
I'll be the rubber band
You be the match
I will be a fuse, boom
Painter, baby, you could be the muse
I'm the reporter, baby, you could be the news~

The next morning, Jasmine is in the kitchen with Olivia when two boys walk in. "Bestie!" Jasmine exclaims as Spencer walks over to her and hugs her. "Oh, there you boys are. You must be Spencer," Laura says, approaching the boys. "Yes, ma'am. I am so happy to finally meet you," Spencer replies politely, extending his hand for a handshake, but Laura surprises him with a hug instead. Spencer looks confused for a moment and then glances at Jasmine, who smiles. Laura pulls back from the hug. "You're all Billy's been talking about lately. Isn't that right, kids?" Laura asks everyone.

"Sure is," Jordan says, rolling his eyes.

"Of course," Jasmine agrees.

"Romancing the stone," Olivia adds.

"I have a question, though, and I want you to be honest," Laura says, turning to Spencer. "Careful, she's a crier," Olivia warns. "I'm making my famous gazpacho tonight. And I just need to know a few things. Do you have any allergies? Dairy, gluten, you're not paleo, are you?" Laura asks. "No, ma'am. When it comes to food, the only thing I am is hungry," Spencer says, locking eyes with Jasmine, who smiles before he looks back at Laura. "Okay, we're gonna hit it, Mom," Jordan says, putting his arm over Spencer's shoulder. "Okay, you guys do that. Whatever that is," Laura says awkwardly as they leave the kitchen.


Spencer is laying on a floaty when Jasmine, who has been underwater, suddenly surfaces and flips him over. As he stands up, he looks around to find Jasmine laughing.

"That's not funny," Spencer says, causing Jasmine to laugh harder. "It's hilarious," she says, as Spencer shakes his head. "Oh, it's funny, huh?" Spencer says, picking Jasmine up and throwing her over his shoulder before spinning around. "Oh my gosh, put me down!" Jasmine says, holding on to him. "Apologize," Spencer demands, spinning her again. "No!" Jasmine yells, hitting his back. "Apologize," he repeats.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Put me down," Jasmine finally says it, causing Spencer to chuckle as he sets her back on her feet. Jasmine's eyes drift to Layla, who is watching their every move from a chair near the pool. "She's staring kinda hard, huh?" Jasmine says, nudging Spencer.

Spencer looks over and smiles. "Well, I tend to have that effect on people," he jokes, making Jasmine laugh and splash him.

"Oh, it's on," Spencer says, splashing her back.

Meanwhile, Jordan comes and sits next to Asher, both watching Jasmine and Spencer's interaction. "You see him?" Asher asks, nodding towards Spencer. Jordan nods. "Yeah, I see him."

"We need to get rid of him," Asher says, glaring at Spencer. "Yeah..." Jordan agrees, his expression darkening. Noah walks over, noticing the tension. "What's up, guys?" he asks, sitting down beside them. Asher leans in. "We're just talking about Spencer. He's getting a little too comfortable." Noah raises an eyebrow. "You really think that's a good idea? He's a key player for us." Jordan sighs. "We know. But things are getting complicated."

"Complicated how?" Noah asks, glancing over at Spencer and Jasmine, who are now playfully wrestling in the water. "Just trust us on this," Asher says, not taking his eyes off Spencer.


The next day during lunch Spencer and Jasmine sat together outside. "So how was it hanging out with the steroid set?" Jasmine asks causing Spencer to almost spit out his drink but drinks it. "Are you serious?" Spencer questions looking at Jasmine worried. "No. No, I just like to mess with Jordan." Jasmine says laughing before taking a bite of her lunch. "So what's up with you two anyway? Y'all seem close." Spencer questions as he looks at his best friend. "Well.." Jasmine starts out but gets interrupted by Layla who walks up to them. "Spencer." Layla says making them both look at her. "Oh, hey, what's up?" Spencer questions as Jasmine rolls her eyes. "I'm throwing a party at my place tonight. It's just a small team thing to celebrate the start of the season, and I was hoping you could make it." Layla says pulling away from the hug. "Yeah, for sure. I'll come by for a bit." Spencer answers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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