Training and the Interview

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The next morning, Effie woke me up early so that I wouldn't be late for the first training session before the Games. I planned on keeping my proficiency with spears and throwing knives for my individual session with the Gamemakers, and I was also planning to get to know the Careers better so they would hopefully accept me into their alliance. I approached the female Tribute from District 1 at the rope station, where she was being shown how to tie a complicated knot. She introduced herself as Gemma Lace, and I talked to her for a bit. She said that she'd talk to the other Career Tributes about my abilities and try to let me know what they thought of me joining their alliance. If it weren't for the fact that we would soon have to hunt each other down and kill each other until only one of us was left alive, I think that we could have been friends. Over the course of the training sessions, I caught some bits and pieces of Gemma's discussions with the other Careers, and things sounded promising to me.

The day before the interviews was reserved for the individual sessions with the Gamemakers. Since I was the female Tribute from District 12, I would be going last, which meant that the Gamemakers would likely not pay much attention to me. I waited patiently for my turn, and after Gemma left her individual session, she quickly pulled me aside. "You're in. Once the gong sounds, grab whatever you can from the Cornucopia and then follow me," she told me, and I nodded. "Good luck, Slatia. I like your token, by the way. Who gave it to you?" She asked me, referring to the pin that Palmyra had given me. "I'm not sure if I can tell you," I said. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," she said, giving me a kind smile. "My stylist gave it to me, since no one gave me anything back home," I said. "That was awfully kind of them. Who was your stylist?" She asked. "Palmyra," I said. "I think I've heard of her. She has some great designs, and I heard that she's the youngest stylist in the history of the Hunger Games," she said. We talked a little longer, then I returned to the line of Tributes, while she went back to her room. When it was time for my individual session, I entered the room and made my way to the rack of weapons. The Gamemakers, as I had predicted, weren't paying attention to me, instead talking amongst themselves. I took a spear from the weapon rack and began to attack one of the training dummies, stabbing it multiple times in various places. The Gamemakers were still talking like I wasn't even there, and it was starting to get on my nerves. After attacking another training dummy with the same result, I turned to the wall, gripping the spear tightly. Summoning all of my strength, I threw it as hard as I could at the wall, lodging it halfway through the wall. The Gamemakers were all staring at me, various expressions of surprise on their faces. Now that I had their attention, I grabbed a new spear and attacked a third dummy, then replaced the spear on the rack and grabbed a handful of throwing knives. I picked out a few more training dummies to target, then threw each knife one by one until I had none left, and each one struck its dummy in the head, squarely between where the eyes should be. "Thank you, Miss Ravenna. You may go," the Head Gamemaker said. I gave them a quick bow, collected the knives and replaced them on the rack, then left.

I woke up to Effie announcing that today was going to be a "big, big, big day!" I dragged myself out of bed and had a light breakfast, then I was told by Haymitch that I didn't need coaching before the interview, since he felt that I would be a natural at answering any questions I might be asked. Not that I would have accepted the coaching, anyway. I knew what to say to avoid getting myself into trouble, and I also knew that Palmyra had a gorgeous outfit waiting for me in my dressing room downstairs. She said that there was a special feature that she would fill me in on when it was time for me to get ready. At lunch, no one spoke, then at dinner, Bristel got into a heated argument with Effie and Haymitch, while I took my meal and snuck up to the roof to get some peace and quiet. After a little while, I was joined by Haymitch, who apologized for the argument on behalf of himself, Effie and Bristel. "We'd better head back, otherwise Effie might have a stroke because we're running behind schedule," he joked as we went back to meet up with Effie and Bristel at the elevator.

While Palmyra got me ready, putting me in a beautiful but simple black gown, I asked her a bit more about her, still trying to get to know her. "Well, I personally never really enjoyed watching the Hunger Games. I was more interested in the stylists and their designs. I've always kind of considered the Games to be somewhat barbaric," she said. "When you have 24 teenagers who are all trying to kill each other until only one is left standing at the end, that makes sense," I said. "Well, that's about it," she said when she finished up getting me ready, "By the way, when I give you a thumbs up, find a way to get up and do a twirl for the audience. They'll be blown away." I gave her a nod, then she told me that I should get going, or I would be late.

I pretty much tuned out the interviews after Caesar Flickerman introduced Gemma, until it was my turn, and I brought my attention to the task at hand: making it through my interview. I walked onstage when my name was called, and I sat down a short ways from Caesar in a comfortable red chair. His color scheme this year was lavender, and as usual, his hair, eye shadow, and his lips all matched. "So, Slatia, ever since the parade earlier in the week, people have taken to calling you 'Diamond Girl'. Would you mind explaining why that was your outfit for the parade?" He asked me curiously. I took a moment or two to come up with something to say. "You see, Caesar, when it's put under enough pressure, coal can turn into diamonds, so it represents the coal mining industry in District 12," I replied. "Ah yes, that does make sense. So, do you plan to work with your fellow Tribute from District 12, or do you have something else in mind for this year's Games?" He asked. "As far as that goes, you'll the just have to wait and see, folks," I replied with a slight smile. "Just what we like, a little bit of uncertainty! I must say, you look excellent tonight, by the way. Would you mind getting up and twirling for us?" He asked, and I looked in Palmyra's direction, finding that she was giving me a thumbs up. "Sure Caesar," I said, and he offered a hand to help me up, which I took. Once I was standing at my full height, I twirled a few times, and the crowd gasped in awe. Confused, I looked over at one of the monitors in the room, finding that my dress was now white, and the design resembled the feathers of a dove. "Wow! That is truly incredible! You must have quite the stylist, Slatia," Caesar said with a look of surprise. "I do, and it's her first year as a stylist for the Games, too. Her name's Palmyra," I said, and somehow, he managed to look even more surprised. "Amazing, for one as young as her to already have such an understanding of fashion. Well, let's have another round of applause for the Diamond Girl, Slatia Ravenna!" He exclaimed, and I waved to the crowd as I left the stage, meeting up with Haymitch offstage. "See? You did perfectly, sweetheart. The people love you, and I think they love your stylist too, after that little transformation," he said. "Thanks Haymitch. I'll do everything I can to make it back alive," I said. "You do that, sweetheart," he replied with a smile. 

That night, I found that I could hardly stay still long enough to sleep, so I decided to go to the roof for a bit. I looked out at the cityscape of the Capitol, trying to take in everything that I could, since it would likely be the last time I would have the chance to see it. I sensed someone coming over to me, and I figured it was Haymitch. "Go away, Haymitch. I want to be alone," I said, only for someone else's familiar voice to answer. "I just wanted to see you, but I guess I will tomorrow," Palmyra said. "No, you don't have to go. I don't mind that you're here," I said, turning to her. "No, really. I shouldn't even be here. I don't know what I was thinking coming here," she said with her back to me. "Palmyra, please stay," I said, and she turned around to look at me. "If you insist," she said. "I do," I replied quickly, so she made her way over to me. "Thank you. For everything you've done for me. You gave me the hope that I need to get me through what I have to face. I don't know what I can do to repay you for your kindness," I said. An uncomfortable silence followed my statement, and I was beginning to wonder if she was even going to say anything in response. The way she chose to respond changed my life forever, and it made me tell myself that I would make it through these Games. I would come back victorious.

All because she kissed me.


Until next time!

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