The Plan

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        Cassie sat on the couch in the common room, her knees propped up so that she could rest her book against her legs. It wasn't until she felt the couch dip beside her that she looked up.

       "What're you reading?” James asked from beside her. 

       “Romeo and Juliet.” She slipped a bookmark in between the pages. 

       "What's that?" 

       "Oh its a muggle book-" 

       "Cunningham, uhm, that book you wanted to read is on my bedside table, if you wanna grab it." Remus called from the love seat.

        "Oh, yeah, sure." She smiled, setting her book down beside James. She started toward the stairs before she halted. 

        “I don’t know which one is yours.” She said apologetically. 

        “I’ll show you,” James threw his arm over her shoulder, playfully.  Remus smirked, glancing back at Sirius, Marlene, Alice, and Lily that peeked out from behind the portrait hole. James ushered Cassie up the stairs, and into their dorm room. She glanced around as he let his arm slip off of her shoulders. 

     “Surprisingly clean.” She commented. 

     “Moony makes us clean it before dinner.” James laughed as he grabbed the book left on Remus’s nightstand. 

      “Where do you guys-” She started, only to be cut off by James once he turned to face her. His eyes focused on the door behind her.

       “What are you doing, Padfoot?” He growled. Sirius laughed and slammed the door shut. Cassie quickly turned around, watching as James tried to pry the door open. Even going as far as trying different spells, but the door wouldn’t budge. His shoulders dropped as he admitted defeat, turning back to face the girl who now sat on the edge of his bed. She observed his expression as he stalked over to her. A mix of frustration and anxiety. 

       “It’s okay.” She spoke quietly once he sat beside her, staring at his hands. He stayed silent for a moment, thinking.

       “What were you saying, before?” He mumbled.

       “Where do you guys get your nicknames?” His eyes widened slightly at her question.

      “Oh, uhm, in first year Sirius came up with these stupid nicknames and they just kind of stuck.” He chuckled. 

      “Are you gonna ask Lily to the ball?” She asked after a few minutes of a comfortable silence. He stiffened slightly, looking anywhere but her.

      “Yeah, I was planning on doing it tomorrow. I’m gonna take her to the black lake after breakfast, and ask. I even got her flowers.” He smiled as he showed her a boutique of flowers, a striking Lily in the center of the arrangement. 

      “She’ll love it.” Cassie grinned as he sat back down beside her. 

The rest of their conversations Cassie felt a weight on her chest, opting to ignore it until later, when James lay asleep in Sirius’s bed as she sat atop his. The door finally cracked open well past midnight, muffled laughter was halted as soon as they saw Cassie waiting for them by the door. Remus glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the flowers then back on Cassie. 

“Cas-” He started only to be cut off. 

“I told you not to get my hopes up, Rem.” She whispered, he pulled her into his arms.

“He’s a downright git,” Sirius pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

“Goodnight, love.” Remus weakly smiled at her as she started towards her dorm. She stood outside the door, lifting the corners of her mouth into a smile. The girls were waiting for her when she walked in.

“How'd it go?” Marlene asked excitedly. 

“He’s just a friend, guys, we’re not into each other like that.” She laughed.

   “What?” Alice’s smile fell slightly. 

   “I mean, Lily he's been in love with you for a long time, give him a chance. You guys don’t have to play match-maker, I'm a big girl.” Cassie shrugged as she changed into pajamas. 

    “Are you sure, Cas?” Lily asked quietly, putting a hand on Cassies shoulder. 

    “Positive.” She nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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