Chapter 4: Clarity

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Today is the last practice day, but I honestly don't know how today is going to go. I didn't sleep well last night, because I couldn't get Avery out of my head.

I knew something big happened between her and Caitlin in the restroom, because the moment Caitlin returned she told everyone that she was leaving. Which Nika, Hailey, and Paige left with her.

By the time Avery made it back to the table, she looked a little off. I could see a lot of mixed emotions in her eyes about what ever happened in the restroom. Eventually she told us that it was getting late, so she was heading out. That's when we all decided to call it a night. I hugged her family goodnight and followed Avery back to the hotel.

I didn't think she wanted to talk tonight, but before I walked into my room she stopped me and said...

AJ- Can we talk please?

I turned around and walked towards her. She opened the door and I followed her into her hotel room. We sat down on the couch, and I could tell something was making her uncomfortable. So I decided to reach over and hold her hands. The moment I touched her she immediately started to relax.

Charles- I am here for you Avery. You can tell me anything.

AJ- Well I honestly don't even know what to say about what happened between Caitlin and I in the restroom. One moment we were yelling at each other and then the next she...

Charles- What did she do?

AJ- She kissed me Charlie.

Honestly the moment she said that my heart broke a little. I always thought that Avery would break her rule and want to be with me, but Caitlin could have just changed everything.

AJ- She kissed me and the moment she stopped kissing me she said, "Because I loved you." I didn't know she felt that way about me 11 years ago.

Charles- How do you feel about it?

AJ- She was my best friend and we had a strong bond, but I never felt like I was in love with her. The kiss really caught me off guard, and I started to overthink everything. I have so many mixed emotions right now, because it was honestly the best kiss I've had.

The moment she said that she never was in love with Caitlin, it gave me hope that I still have a chance to be with her. But the moment that she said that the kiss was the best kiss she ever had, my hope disappears again. And it kills me to even ask her this question...

Charles- You said that you didn't have feelings for Caitlin back then, but do you have feelings for her right now?

AJ- I don't know. I'm honestly still trying to figure everything out.

Charles- Well take this time and think about it. So when you see Caitlin tomorrow, you can talk to her about it.

After that we stood up, and she hugged me before I walked out the door. The moment I walked into my room all I could think is that I might lose her.

The sad part of all of this is that I actually talked to Hailey during the drive to the restaurant. I told her everything about how I felt about Avery. I told her that I believed that Avery was the one for me. The only thing that was standing in the way was her rule about not dating anyone she worked with. But now I have another obstacle in my way and that obstacle is named Caitlin Clark.

Honestly I am jealous of Caitlin Clark because she took her shot and it paid off. She might not know that it paid off but it did. I wish I could have taken my shot and kissed her. And this was the reason why I didn't sleep well.

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