0.2: How Hard is it to Decorate/Remodel a Cave

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The makings of our new home are in place. For the past few days ascending back to the surface to make sure Tiama and Gaia are safe and think up ways to light up the cave. It has been a peaceful week all things considered. Which only made me more nervous about a lot of things. 

You see, after the whole Oranus incident, my paranoia just became worse as after two or three hours was the usual time when I would ascend back to the surface and visit Tiama. Unless I was so busy with something then it would take me quite a long time. Making sure she's safe and there are no dangers that would befall her and Gaia. 

Speaking of Gaia, she's happy that her children the Hundred-Handed Ones and the Elder Cyclops are safe and sound. Said children were happy as well and are doing fine now. 

She even makes sure she pampers them with her love and care even though from an Immortal perspective they are equivalent to a middle age human life. Which to me is a little bit funny but still a heartwarming sight. 

Gaia's whole demeanor is good during her time with them. Tiama was also happy by the fact that Gaia's happy and I couldn't agree more. She deserved to be with them as they deserved to be here and not the brimstone and fire that is Tartarus. 

Gaia whom both me and Tiama consider our dearest friend is happy to have her children by her side again. Here fears and sorrow were now gone and are replaced with smiles and laughter. This time I will make sure that this does not change. I will make it so it does.    

Even if I had to skin, break, and burn anyone who made Tiama and Gaia cry. They will not know mercy for I will have none. Like what happened to Oranus. 

But that will happen later on as I will be busy trying to find a way to first light up the cave. I first thought of making a few holes only to realize that that would just open up the cave. Next, I thought of just letting a few leaves flow around the cave only to realize that if an incident happened then it would cause a huge amount of damage. Lastly, I thought of somewhat asking Gaia's help, if she could create plants that would light up the ceiling enough that it's similar to a sun's light.  

After thinking this through I just thought of simply using my meteors, I later found out that a few meteors still light up with blue flame and they last quite a long time. So with this, I would just gather up a few pieces of my Meteor and occasionally it will have to light up at the right moment. It will be something like an artificial sun. Think of this as a light bulb that can be turned on and off. 

Of course, the hardest part of this is how do I obtain these meteors of mine...I had to turn a side of the cave into a shooting range...I was later one been given a stern talk due to how the Meteor shot caused a lot of earthquakes...so I had to create another way to obtain these Meteors of mine. 

I had to first stop the meteors from expelling out of my mouth by simply closing my mouth...which was painful...it feels like when you tried to stop your puke from bursting out of your mouth...yes it was disgusting and painful at the same time...at least it wasn't literal barf.

All things considered, I was able to gather up a hefty amount of meteors. Enough to light up the cave. The only thing that I need to do now is to attach them to the ceiling...why is it always so complicated?...and painful?...hard?...oh well.

With that, I began to climb the wall with a hand or claw full of the meteorites on my left hand. The reason why I climb and not dig is because of the other problem where if I did make a few holes then there will be a few entrances to this cave will be made. I don't want that, so I choose the hard way. Which I shouldn't have done later on. 

Speaking of, the size of this cave is quite large. To give you a rough estimate it's about a fourth of my length, not height. The length of the whole cave, however, I don't know since I have just been close to the entrance I made. But with how tall it is and with what Navi said it being as big as a nation I do hope that it is as big as I thought it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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