chapter four

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"What's up fuckface!"

I wrinkle my nose I'm amusement holding my hand over my mouth looking at Niki. Such foul language amused me, everything about this world was funny. It was nothing like when I was here the first time. 

"Tommy watch your mouth, I understand he's your brother but Niki is here." I hear a older man's voice boom through the house. He didn't sound entirely angry just tired, maybe a little irritated but not angry.

"Honestly Tommy decency man." There was another male voice but this one seemed younger. I looked at Niki and she only grinned. I heard the hook on the wall latch meaning someone had just hung up their jacket. I heard a measly scoff from the younger boy. 

"Help me set the table real quick, I'll introduce you when they come in here." She smiled opening the cabinet pulling the plates out. I lifted the sprouting berry bush, throwing a table cloth over the table and set the plant back down. I grabbed three bowls and she did the same, setting them in the table. We both grabbed cups and began filling them with juice and ice setting them on the table as well.

Her house was oddly comforting and super nice, I wouldn't say it was homely it had been made a home. I ran my hand over the table cloth that I knew Niki had made, her initials were in the corner. A little stamp to let everyone know she was behind the artwork. 

About the time we get the spoons out in the right spot and the soup sat in the middle of the table (or as close as we could with the plant being there) Wilbur's head popped in the doorway.

"Are we ready ladies?" He asked a goofy smile on his face. You could tell his family made him happy, after telling me he hadn't seen them in three months I could see it.

"Ladies when did Niki become two- holy shit! Sorry excuse me." Standing in the door way was a hybrid, who looked almost like I did. His wings were tucked behind him and scars adorned his face. A mop of blonde hair sat on his head, he held his own staff in his hands as well. The years he had been on this earth showed in his face but he still looked handsome. He looked kind. It was his eyes, he had kind eyes that widened the longer the looked at me. I gave a small shy wave.

"You told me to watch my lang- holy fuck!" There was a smaller boy, most likely in his early teens standing besides the older man. He also had blond hair, his blue eyes looked up at me in wonder. He wore a almost horrified look on his face and I couldn't help but hold in a laugh. It was easy to say I had figured out who our culprit from earlier was. 

That's when I seen the tail moving side to side ever so slightly, mhm another hybrid. A raccoon boy. It was my turn to raise my eyebrows, he turned slightly and noticed his tail in view. He turned back to glare at me as if to give me a warning not to say anything.

The sass. 

"Tommy how many times do we have to tell you not to use that- oh my goodness..." Standing next to the boys was a hybrid taller than the both of them. His pink hair was tied up into a tight bun but still looked to be pretty long. He had red eyes that danced over every inch of me, his mouth was wide open causing the small tusks in this mouth to lightly gaze the top of his lips.

"Well that's rude." Wilbur said laughing causing Niki and I to do the same. I couldn't help myself, every time someone makes a face at me it's funny especially if they're hybrids their selves. In this world it wasn't uncommon to see a hybrid on the streets anymore, the older the earth got the more they popped up.

"Ahem, I'm so sorry for that reaction." The blonde man started looking from Wilbur to me. "I'm Wilbur's dad, Phil. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm not gonna lie it's nice to see someone else with wings, they're beautiful they remind me of my wives." He said giving me a kind smile walking towards me, he opened his arms pulling me into him giving me a short quick hug. I returned the favor, he was sweet.

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