To Many Secrets to Hide (Editing)

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A/N This is my first time really truly writing an idea of mine so I hope this turns out the way I want. Fingers crossed!


"I'm telling you," Hallia told the officer confronting her in, "I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about!" This was the sixth time she had an officer come and confront in the past few months. This was different though. There were more than just one, there were five and two FBI agents along with their huge black van. Hallia had never been in trouble but she always seemed out of the things most of the time and found a great interest in animals, especially birds.

The seven officers surrounded her in the middle of her dining room, her dark brown hair flapping in the wind as one of the FBI agents opened the back door. "Oh I think you do Missy," said the officer staring her down with his dark gray, lifeless eyes. She did the same to him with her round doe like eyes that had seemed as if God had originally painted them brown but then splattered them with a lighter shade of green.

"If you would just answer the old man then we would get out of your face. The sooner the better." commented the FBI agent with the wavy, short brown hair. "Well, Tom, I would gladly answer you if I knew what in the world you people were talking about." she said with a somewhat know it all look on her face.

"Listen to me girl, I didn't come here just so you could-" his partner cut him off," Yes thank you for that Tom. So, Hallia, if you could just answer a few simple questions for us and we will be out your way."

"Gladly," replied Hallia, giving Tom a hard glance before returning to Hank, the other nicer agent. "Shoot, Hank." They went through a series of questions that seemed quite personal like what she did for fun, her height, her weight, favorite food, grades, and if she could swim. They even asked if she had a boyfriend. "A boyfriend? I'm only fourteen and a half. What makes you think that I have a boyfriend?"

Hank got up from his chair across from her, " Thank you Hallia for answering our questions. But there is just one last thing I need from you. Follow me." he waved his hand for her to follow him down the stairs and into her room. "Choose one thing that you treasure the most." With a confused look on her face, Hallia went straight to her bed and uncovered a yellow stuffed bunny. Her mother had given it to her when she was sick and in the hospital at a young age. Hallia also believed that sleeping with something of sentimental value would keep away nightmares.

She walked back to Hank standing in the doorway to her room. "Such I nice choice," he said as he put a hand on her back and led her back up the stairs and out the front door. "Good thing I got dressed today and put my shoes on." she thought on her way out with Hank. "Where are you taking me?" she asked. Hank didn't answer but he did open the back of the van. It was the kind to where you couldn't see the driver because of a wall and there were no windows in the back either. The thing that was off about this van was that there were bars that crisscrossed each other near the ceiling of the van.

"Why are you showing me this?" Again there was no answer to her question. She looked up at Hank and saw a sad smile on his face as he helped her into the van. Now in there, Hallia could see a small light bulb in the middle of the van, a radio, and long benches on every side of the walls except for where the doors were. Tom came and stood next to Hank and gave Hallia a dirty look before they shut the doors leaving her in dark of the van. Knowing not really what was happening, but knowing that it couldn't be good, left the light off and sank to the ground with her back on the wall, along with her face buried into her yellow stuffed bunny, the last thing she had of her old life.


The van took many turns before Hallia picked herself off the floor and finally turned on the light. The yellow light wavered as the van continued to go down the road and caused her shadow to flicker across the van. "Where are you taking me!" she demanded. When no answer came she turned an banged on the doors in frustration. She might not have ever been in trouble but that doesn't mean she has never done wrong. She stole small items from stores that no one would notice gone, she got herself in gang fights even though she was not part of one. But she also did some other things that weren't that bad like, picking a lock which is only somewhat bad, she taught herself to play the violin, and she was an expert in gymnastics.

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