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"Fucking shut up."

"Geez, did someone press the wrong key while playing piano today?" He irritates her even more, unaware of the anger boiling inside.

"Can you just- stop following me? It's creepy and irritating. Just, go away." The Choi responds without even looking back at the taller male. By the sense of her tone, Jeonghan could tell that she was somewhat mad.

"Hey, but Junghwa wants to see-"

"I'll go to her when I want to. Choosing you as the messenger is the worst way to motivate me to even walk." Minji interrupted, refusing to turn back while walking.

"Damn, someone must have really been up your sleeves today." The Yoon commented, eyes still piercing onto the back of her head, passing by everyone that were still admiring some artworks.

"Yeah. You and your little side hoe that keeps on pestering me for the stupidest reasons ever. Maybe go help her? Get her to a hospital? She needs help." She speaks quickly, turning for a corner in the hallway.

"What?" The male tilted his head in confusion, blocking the other from moving any further and using the corner as an opportunity to pin her to the wall.

Luckily, this space was rather empty and they were the only two figures. The Yoon was dressed in a formal black and white suit, his hair parted to one side and the sleeves of his button-up rolled up. He also wore a minimalistic necklace that peeked behind the collars of his top.

"Jeonghan, can you just- stop." She looks up to him, fearlessly making direct eye contact. She felt dominated and towered by the male whose face was extremely close to hers.

"Stop what?"

"Stop following me and stop acting like you're the safest person to keep secrets with. Just fucking stop." The Choi deadpanned, the irritation was clearly evident in her tone but Jeonghan didn't get the hint.


"What did you do last night? I asked you out but you didn't answer your phone." Soojin sulked, taking a seat on the opposite side of her best friend's desk.

"I was walking with my neighbour." Jeonghan replied non-chalantly.

"Your neighbour? Minji?" The Jang raised an eyebrow, twirling her black hair between her fingers. Jeonghan nodded in response. A sense of jealousy rushed over her. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Oh, just like her problems and shit. I guess it was like a stress-reliever for her or something."

"Her problems?" Soojin sneered. "Stress-reliever? Jeonghan, don't you get it?"


"She's using you. She's using you to release all her anger and she's making you hold it in for her. What problems can that girl even have?" The Jang opened her eyes convincingly and innocently, facing the male.

Jeonghan took a few seconds to think, take in what his best friend just said as if he was going to believe it. "I don't think so."

"What does she say? Maybe... I could give some advice?"

"Really? Do you think it would work? Well, she spoke about her step-mother and then...."

The Yoon thought back to the memory of him sharing information to his best friend, his eyes drifted to the white wall behind the shorter figure, looking down and Minji recognised this.

"Do you remember now? My problems that you told someone that I don't even want to be associated with?" She hissed.

"I'm sorry."

"'I'm sorry'? What the fuck of an answer is that. Babe, sorry isn't gonna cut it. You might wanna kill yourself if you wanna be forgiven. All jokes." She laughs derisively, lifting her hands to Jeonghan's chin and made him face her. Maybe what she said was a bit harsh, but she couldn't hold back from her sarcastic remarks.

"I know what I did wrong."

"Okay, so? What did you do wrong then? Beg, beg on your fucking knees for my forgiveness. If you don't want to ruin your pride then don't. Just don't ever speak to me again." The Choi tried to squeeze out but the other prevented her from doing so.

"I'm sorry. But I only did that because I thought maybe she would have good advice." He tried to defend himself, looking disappointingly at the female.

"How funny. Let me go. I'm gonna go tell my best friend about all your problems." She scoffed.

"I don't have any problems, I'm perfect-"

"Seriously, I know you told Soojin because you trust her. But don't you get it? She's a stuck up bitch just like you who doesn't know how to zip her mouth close. She's not gonna give you good advice, she's gonna tell you to kill someone-"

"Soojin wouldn't tell me that. Stop assuming things about people you 'don't wanna be associated with'?" Jeonghan advocated for the Jang in a more stricter tone, making Minji even more mad at that moment.

She just wanted to slap him in the face. He couldn't believe that he was apologising, recognising that that stuff isn't for him.

"Fuck. Now this is all about her? Fine, I get it. You just don't want to be forgiven and want to stick with your bitchy best friend. Thanks for telling her everything, I'm really grateful." The Choi pushed him off, trudging away to the end of the hallway where Wonwoo suddenly appeared, looking happy to see her and did not notice his friend on the other side.

"Hey, Minji. I saw you playing piano earlier. I didn't get the chance to compliment you." The Jeon greeted with an attractive smile.

"Thanks, Wonwoo. It's just a hobby." She replies, giving him the same energy back.

"Have you eaten yet? There's a lot of good foods at the buffet." He questioned.

"I'm actually heading there right now. Want to go together?" The Choi insisted and the taller male nodded, leaving another male by himself in the hallway.

Jeonghan snickered at her fake behaviour.

Jeonghan snickered at her fake behaviour

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Uh ohhhh

𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now