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The next day, I woke up to the smell of burnt toast. My bedroom was nowhere near the kitchen, so the toast must have burnt really badly.
I immediately put on a shirt and ran to the kitchen, where I found Donnie seated at the island.
Her face looked fleshly scrubbed and was bare of any make-up, yet I thought Donnie looked insanely beautiful.
I didn't know why I was so attracted to her, but I hated it. Okay, I didn't hate it, I disliked it.
When Donnie noticed I was in the kitchen, she looked up at me.
I braced myself for a scathing remark from her, but none came.
Instead, Donnie gave me a dazzling smile and gestured to me, “Come Jack, I made breakfast.”
I warily joined her. On the table lay two pieces of well-prepared toast, and a cup of coffee.
“This is your idea of breakfast?” I shook my head, “No wonder you're so little, you eat like a bird.”
Donnie's eyes blazed with annoyance for a moment, before her face softened and she smiled, “You're always welcome to seconds.”
I shrugged and took a bite out of the toast, “Too hard, and too coarse.”
Donnie exhaled deeply, as though she wanted to say something nasty, but was trying to hold herself back.
I decided to bait her, until she blew up and told me why she was being nice, “And to think this was your second attempt at making toast.”
Donnie stilled and blushed, “How did you know that?”
I laughed, “I woke up to the smell of burnt toast. Since these don't look burnt, that means you must have thrown those away.”
Donnie grumbled, “Yes, I did throw them away. In my defence, making toast is harder than it looks.”
I took a sip of my coffee to stop myself from arguing with her.
“How do you like your coffee?” Donnie questioned nicely.
I made a face, “Too bitter. I like mine sweetened.”
Donnie gave me the once-over, “Aren't you full of surprises? I thought men like you loved their coffee black.”
I dropped my cup and peered at Donnie, “You have no idea what a man like me loves.”
Donnie rolled her eyes, “Sheesh! Whatever. No need for you to go all smouldering hunk on me.”
I tore at my toast again, and forced myself to chew the hard substance, “Is this toast or beef jerky?”
At that moment, Donnie snapped. She extended her hands to retrieve the toast and the coffee from me.
To stop her, I interlocked her fingers with mine. Her palms were soft and little, in contrast to my big callused ones.
I heard Donnie's sharp intake of breath and thought to myself, good, I shouldn't be the only one feeling this.
As predictable as ever, Donnie quickly withdrew from me and put her hands under the table, probably so she could wipe off my touch.
I ground my teeth with rage, not at her, but at myself. When would my body get the memo that this haughty princess thought herself way above me?
“Why did you make this failed attempt at domestication?” I queried Donnie, tired of playing games.
Her eyes dimmed a little before she smirked, “I needed something from you.”
“I guessed as much,” I chuckled, not in the least amused, “What's this? An apology for bringing up my late parents?”
Donnie blushed. The night before, I hadn't given her an opportunity to apologize for that.
“Okay,” Donnie exhaled, “I totally forgot about that, but now you mention it, I'm sorry for bringing up your dead parents. I know how it feels to lose a parent.”
At my raised eyebrow, she went on to explain, “I lost my mother, too. But I don't expect you to forgive me because of that. If you want to stay mad at me, I'll understand.”
I cleared my throat and moved on, “If that wasn't why you did this? Then why did you?”
Donnie's eyes twinkled once more, “There's going to be a really legit party at a nightclub tonight. I want to attend.”
My response was automatic, “Absolutely not. We're not going to a nightclub.”
“Why not?” Donnie retorted, “Do you even have a valid reason for refusing, or are you doing this out of spite?”
I shook my head, “This isn't out of spite, Donatella. I'm doing this to protect you, because your father paid me to do just that.”
Donnie pounded her fist on the table, “It's your job to protect me, not imprison me in my own house. I'm going to that party, and you won't stop me. So, get ready to tag along!”
“A night club is very exposed and rowdy. A lot of things could happen. You could get drugged, kidnapped, raped, ki—”
“Stop right there,” Donnie held out a hand like a queen holding court, “I've been to hundreds of night clubs before. You think I don't have an idea of the number of dangers women face there?”
“Then why do you still go to nightclubs?” I wanted to know.
“Firstly, if I don't, who will?” Was Donnie's cheeky reply, “Secondly, I'm not going to let some criminals stop me from enjoying my life. I should be able to go where I please, when I please. So, the way I see it, you have two options; one, you willingly follow me to the club. Two; I sneak out and go alone. With or without you, I'm gonna attend that party.”
I was in awe of Donnie's bargaining skills, “You're a pro at this.”
“At a young age, I had to learn to do this so I could leave the house when I wished to.” Donnie shrugged, and in her eyes, I saw some shadows. She must have lived like the princess locked away in a tower. I couldn't imagine myself living that way, I would go cabin crazy in a matter of days.
“Fine,” I agreed, “We'll go to the party.”
“Yes!” Donnie exclaimed happily, “Yes! It's gonna be hot tonight! I better tell Lo—”
“We will go, on these conditions,” I interrupted Lisa, “I need the name and location of this night club. Secondly, at the party, if something doesn't seem right to me, we're out of there. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” Donnie hooted and pushed her chair back. She stood up and took her phone from the table.
“Hey, where are you going?” I asked her, “You haven't taken one bite of your food.”
Donnie grinned, “It doesn't look too appetizing. Also, I'm going to have to skip breakfast and lunch if I'm gonna fit into the dress I plan to wear tonight.”
Before I could process her words, Donnie pranced away, “Don't forget to do the dishes when you're done eating.”

Guarding Donnie: A Sizzling Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now