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I awoke, or maybe, I was born. My second birth. Well, third, if you count my banishment to the stars. In a way, that was a birthing into the universe, into eternity. Until now, it seems.

First there was the breath of a young astronomer, then there was blood. Panic. Shouts and cries. This all stemmed from the second coming of Prometheus. The irony was not lost on me, as it was a mortal who gave the immortal life.

A mauve egg, I believe she thought to herself, as her home was being raided. A mauve egg, one she lacked the energy to use properly, nor understanding to comprehend the... cataclysmic results. The only thing she knew was that it was her last chance at saving her friends. Unfortunately, one was lost, the one they call Aurelia. The tainted one. She seems pleasant enough, a little skittish though.

Oh, how our Florence Wolfe should have listened to her engineer. As soon as that globe cracked open, a path was solidified. My path. But also, the path of many others. Although, I understand, I do, after all, her parents did tell her to use it if her life was on the line.

They were a lovely sort, though the father a little sour, the type to give himself to the cause. His wife too, full-hearted, and long loving. I suppose I wish I had them in my own life sometimes. Alas, I was here, on Earth, just like our favourite Florence Wolfe.

A stick of electricity dug into my diaphragm, rising under my ribs, convulsing my newfound body into fits of prolonged agony.

"If you do not talk, we will continue. Es ist einfach." A strong, European man jabbed a finger into my chest, his tone holding the cold ferocity of someone who had pulled nails. He was the one they called Orion.

"Boss." A small, Jack Russel of a figure barked for the attention of his master. Or her master. It was hard to tell through two swollen eyes. I could barely see my hands, or what was left of them. I thought this whole ordeal most uncouth. What happened to manners? My abuser spun on a heel, raising his arm once again. I flinched. Though this time he was standing to attention, saluting. Movement.

The boring, slow, rhythm that insulted the very term 'music' clopped down steps of stone.

"Orion. Your salute is sub-par. Below average, at best." My voice came out grainy, throat scratching like a metal hairball was fighting its way up. The man of an average build kicked out my thigh with heavy, steel-capped military boots. Instead of dropping to a knee, the chains that constricted my hands above held me in place. My abdominals stretched. I grunted, air escaping and being replaced with torture. By now, I was well accustomed to this process. Orion resumed his salute, though he did hold his hand a little straighter, and a little higher. I barely resisted praising the solider. After all, that was the only thing he was. No wife, no husband, no friends, no family. No remorse. No morality.

"I see our guests are behaving." A female of immaculate blandness glazed over sarcastically. It was as if she had mastered beige. With no hint of care for the respect of Orion, she glided past, soulless focus trained upon me. One a racer used when shining their chariots... or I suppose cars, nowadays. Either way, a chore-like interest was the most she could muster. And given my presence, I was slightly taken aback, for the first time since arriving on the ground.

"For what they are, their bodies are very human. Our biologists held celebrations when they found out what they would be working with. Everyone was left disappointed. It was a pity too; we could've used that one for better." That one? Biologists? My heart quickened, knocking against my sternum. Having spent millennia with the souls tied up in a similar fashion either side of me, it felt like a limb had been taken, knowing that one of them was gone. I'll see you when I too return to the stars, Lupus. A figure on my left, coiled with muscle, groaned.

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