Chapter: 1 *The half-finished cursed past*

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*In 2004*

A boy is standing in an empty dark luxurious room looking at the sky, He was looking at the sky as if he would tear it apart, His face was so dark that it seemed as if whatever storm was going on right now was because of him..

Yes, it is raining heavily all around and there are bolts of lightning running across the sky...

But that person standing silently in the dark is continuously looking towards the sky with a strange deep emotion. His face is absolutely silent and bland, but dark too...

"Salutations to His Majesty!!!..*Silence!!!!!* It's time for you to sleep, Your Majesty.." That person stood silently behind that king...

"The time has come, he is born, He has finally come into this world minister Min." *Deep sighs*

"Your Majesty, how can this happen? All this is not true, is it? So how can he be born? And on top of that it's an he.." That minister speaks as if a story has come true..

"Hmm it's an 'HE'  and The world knows only half the truth but still everyone has already decided to become the most powerful person. I don't know how many innocent youth and teenagers' lives are being ruined because of me. Till now he was not in this world, but today when he has come, I cannot lose him. I can't leave him alone in this power hungry world.."  The king said in a slight painful and angry voice..

"Your Excellency, please don't blame yourself, nothing is your fault. Everyone knows what happened in the past and how it happened Those evils were nothing in front of you. If you wanted, you could have destroyed those evils right then and there. But your love was too much for the people of this earth that you sacrificed your life for all these hungry people." The minister spoke as if he was there at the time of the past he was talking about.

"Only you know all this, Minister Min, no one else. Everyone thinks that I have been locked in that cursed place by some trick And only my mate will be able to get me out of it. And so now everyone is after that little life of mine, Everyone wants power, everyone wants me, But no one cares about the past in which my true story lies. It doesn't matter to anyone that my mate cannot set me free. this is all a rumor But still this small lie in my name has ruined the life of such an innocent young teenagers..How come this is not my fault, please tell ME Minister Min Huh!!!.." At last the king's voice became heavy and dry.

"But your Excellency, all the people are not the same, there are still some people who respect you and consider you their god and also–"

" Please Silence Minister Min, don't say anything further. I don't want to hear anything else i know what to do now, Now send some soldiers and some of my most loyal people to protect him before tomorrow morning. it's BUSAN.."  Said the king while speaking his last words..

"As per your orders my excellency, I will explain the work to everyone as you said just now." There was silence in that room for some time and then the minister again speak..
"Please don't be sad Your Excellency I hope you sleep well this time..Happy days are not far away from now.." The minister also said for the last time then he bowed and left the King alone in the darkness again..

"How wrong you are Minister Min, Not happy days but people's bad times will start from now. These people will themselves destroy this world due to their hunger for power. And I can't bear this selfish hungry world anymore Now they will bear real sorrow .." Having said all this for the last time, the king fell asleep for forever..


Next morning the minister did as the king had told him. The king's strongest soldiers and most loyal men went to Busan that morning..

But when the minister went to the king's room to tell him this, he found the king sleeping so peacefully for the first time.The minister knew what it meant, but there was nothing he could do now..

For the first time in his life, he found the king sleeping peacefully..

"Your Majesty, I did exactly as you said. I have given orders to save that little life of yours And trust me, I won't let anything happen to him. i will save him from every evil and harm, Please remain worry free from today onwards.. Sleep well Your- My little brother.." 
-That minister knows that the king cannot hear anything he has said but still he said this because That minister had to lighten his own heart Knowing what's going to happen from now on.. This selfish world will now suffer real pain.. Yes, except those who are right and innocent..


And it happened as the king had said for the last time before his last sleep. Those selfish rich people and some royal people, they all saw and suffered what is real sorrow.In the pursuit of power, some small kings destroyed their kingdoms on their own. Rich people have either lost all their wealth, property, their loved ones or their families.. All those scoundrels who were mean suffered the most sorrow and destruction.This has been happening for more than a decade...

-But in the last 2-3 years all this has started again.. In these 2 years, the same old hunger has spread that was there before a decade. Under the influence of that dragon's love, everyone is imprisoning every boy and girl who is beautiful or handsome, either by force or by marrying them...


Now please vote this story to know what will happen next...😁
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