Chapter: 5 *Not A Nightmare*

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Jungkook's eyes opened and he saw darkness all around him..

When he was looking around the darkness Suddenly-

"Come here my baby come to me I need you, only you can save me my love, Don't you want to have me hmm tell me!!! come to me, come come come... " *A unknown voice came*

Jungkook followed that voice to a different place and then he came in front of a big door..

"Open it my love, open it, come to your lover, come to me..." *that voice said again*

After thinking for a while, Jungkook placed his hand on the door and And as soon as Jungkook's hand touched the door it opened on its own...
"Come to ME!!!" *whispering came*

Jungkook went inside that door slowly and He came into a big hall..
"You are here!!! Finally you're here!!!..." *that unknown voice came once again*

"W-who are you a-and what do you want from m-me???" JungKook asked fearfully..


"TELL ME WHO YOU ARE?? AND COMES IN FRONT OF ME!!!." Jungkook yelled this time

But then a cold, soul-shaking laugh echoed in that huge hall..
"As you wish my love" That said voice came again

AND suddenly a thing appeared in front of Jungkook which made Jungkook start screaming loudly...


-AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" -Jungkook woke up screaming and started breathing heavily. He was drenched in sweat and was having shortness of breath..

"Koo~ what happened bub hm? Look at Hyung, I'm right here, don't be afraid, okay? Here drink water!!!" Jimin gave Jungkook water and calmed him down..

"H-hyung Wh-where are we???" Jungkook asked after calming down, looking around the room..

"Seoul." Jimin said and immediately Jungkook looked at his brother with wide die eyes..

"Yes bub, We are in seoul right now. And we are in our new house now. "Jimin said smiling a little..

"Wha-what!??? B-but-" Jungkook wanted to say something but then he started thinking about something..

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