Chapter: 12 *Something Strange Suddenly Everthing Feels like the Past*

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Jungkook, Jimin and everyone else were still in the kitchen. the earthquake has stopped But everyone is still at their place and has not moved at all...

This is not the first time such an earthquake has occurred.It has been happening for the last several years, Maybe since last 6 years..

But everyone feels that there is a reason for this earthquake, due to which such an earthquake occurs every 3 years..

According to which such an earthquake occurred last year and this means there are still 2 years left for the next earthquake to occur..

But this time so soon, is this a sign of something untoward??? Don't know and thinking this, Jimin and other servants or maids are worried..

Living in a world where mythical creatures still exist, where magic and the supernatural still exist, there's definitely a reason for it..


Right now, Jungkook is lying on the bed in his room. It's been a long time since the earthquake, it's probably 12 or 1 o'clock at night and jungkook is still awake..

After Earthquake, Jungkook and Jimin both then ate their dinner and  King Taehyung  didn't come again. Right now Jungkook is lying on his bed looking at his room ceiling blankly..

Jungkook's mind is somewhere else Ever since the earthquake, he is lost somewhere, thinking about something..

*Jungkook POV*

Thinking, thinking and thinking, that's what I've been doing since the earthquake ended. A strange feeling is troubling me. The earthquake which was going to occur in the next 2 years occured today..

There is something strange in this palace I don't know why everything feels like the past.The King's Personal Garden, His Throne Room And this palace is all like something old..

And I don't know why I am feeling all this today, ever since the day I went to the King's personal garden. I had this feeling that day too but today it is more powerful and strong..

I can't sleep, there's a restlessness in the air today..*sigh*

-"What is happening to me? Why is this happening and how is it happening? everything is strange today!!!
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!- Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook stop thinking.." *frustrating sighed*

after lying down for a while-

"Aishhh I can't sleep today *pout* I'm feeling suffocated.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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