Haircut story 1

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These are just my stories for a hair episode idea for Hirogaru Sky! PrettyCure.

1.Snip and Clip! Tsubasa's First Haircut

Tsubasa: (yawns, just turned into his human form since he was still in Puni Bird Form) Well, I should probably head down stairs. Everyone must be waiting for me for breakfast.

Tsubasa heads downstairs and starts feeling his hair really itchy . He tries to ignore it, but it just kept itching.

In the kitchen, Sora, Mashiro,Ageha and Elle-Chan were having breakfast. And then Tsubasa comes in, still trying to hide the itchiness in his hair. But the girls were surprised to see something different about Tsubasa, he didn't look like himself.

Mashiro:(surprised )T-Tsubasa-kun, what happened to you?

Tsubasa:(confused, still scratching his hair) What do you mean Mashiro? It's still me, there's nothing different.

Sora: Oh no boy, you look totally different from what I know!

Ageha: Sora, that's not nice to say. But Tsubasa-kun, you should probably go look in the mirror to see what we mean.

Tsubasa: Ummmm, ok?

Tsubasa goes look at his reflection in the mirror and then his eyes widen in surprise at what he saw. His hair has grown so much and his it was all messy and had tangles and knots, it was itching like crazy!

Tsubasa: (surprised) W-why is my hair so long?! And why is it so itchy?! Ahhh!!!
I can't stop itching it! What's going on?!

Tsubasa couldn't stop scratching his hair cause it was so itchy.

Ageha: (concerned) Hey Tsubasa, do you need some help? I can check out what's going on if you're ok with it.

Tsubasa: (sigh) Well I usually take care of myself,but I don't know what to do for this. So, Ageha-san, I'm gonna need your help.

Ageha: Hehe, don't worry. I'll take a look. Let's go to the living room.

In the living room, Ageha has set up some styling tools, including spray bottle, detangling cream, comb, hairbrush, clips, scissors, hairdryer, hand mirror, and a cape. Tsubasa sat down looking nervous and fidgeting his fingers looking stressed.

Ageha: (gentle) Don't worry Tsubasa, I'll take care of it.

Tsubasa: (worried) Please be careful Ageha-san. You know how I feel sometimes.

Ageha: I know, I know. But now, let's take a look at your hair and figure out why it's so itchy.

As Ageha checked Tsubasa's hair, she turned as pale as a ghost to what she sees in her horror. She couldn't even talk.

Ageh: (stuttering) T-Tsubasa-kun...

Tsubasa: (looking really worried and scared) W-what's wrong Ageha-san?!

Ageha: (takes a deep breath and confessed with a sigh) Tsubasa, your hair's infested with lice! Small parasites that lay eggs in your hair, and when they hatch, they'll make your head feel more itchy.

Tsubasa was shocked in horror. He's never had lice before since being a Puni Bird.

Tsubasa: (frightened and stressed) L-lice?! How did that happen?! This has never happened before!!

Ageha: (gently and calmly) Don't worry Tsubasa, we just have to cut your hair, I'll have to give you a haircut to get rid of the lice.

Tsubasa's eyes widen with surprise when Ageha said haircut.

Tsubasa: (stuttering) D-d-did y-you j-j-just say h-h-haircut!?

Ageha: What's wrong Tsubasa-kun? It sounds like you're traumatized to get a haircut.

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