No Control

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Niall's POV

"We should sing it tonight. We MUST sing the song tonight!" I absent-mindedly started to bite my nails.

"Okay, okay Niall. Just calm your nerves." Liam chuckles as he put an arm around me.

"You're telling me to calm down? Man, Mae's coming to watch the show. She's coming to watch us, to watch me!"

"Exactly. It's just Mae, so nothing to worry." Louis tells me, giving me a cup of tea.

"But what if I mess up? What if something happens? What if..."

"Niall, how come this girl could make you so anxious.? Just relax and go with the flow."

Okay, its just Mae. I tried to convince myself, that's only Mae who's coming over to watch our show coming straight way from New York. Its just only Mae who I haven't seen for three months. Its just only Mae who is a huge Directioner. Its just only Mae who is the love of my life. Exactly.

"Guys, we have to--"

"YES, Niall!! We have to sing No Control because its Mae's favorite song!" Harry shakes my shoulder as if waking me up from a nightmare.

"Harry, Mae. I haven't seen her. I miss her so much." I felt like crying anytime now.

"Oh no Niall. Don't you cry. Now give Haz your famous Horan hug." He baby-talks.

I hug him tight and chill myself. "There we go." Harry soothingly rubs my back.

"Times up!" Louis shouts and grabs me by my arm, pulling me away from Harry. "If you don't want to mess up then let's start rehearsing."

"I'm just wondering why she really loves that song. Its just my boner song." Louis says so I have to smack the back of his head as we walk out to the stage.

An hour after rehearsing, I'm sitting on the couch inside our dressing room. I've got nothing much to do so I started scanning through my Twitter and replying to some of the tweets from the fans. I read through the tweets about some of the fans hearing as rehearsing '18' and 'No Control'. Reminds me of how they're crazy to hear us sing the songs live, just like how Mae would always request me to play the song with my guitar. How we play the song together.


"So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks..." I sang the words with the guitar on my lap as I strummed and she did the chords to the song.

"I really love this song." She commented.

I stopped strumming, "Wait, I thought No Control is your favorite."

"Well, No Control is my party jam type of song. But I love this too especially when you sing it to me." She explained with a smile. Little did she know how that smile could brighten up anything.

I smiled back at her. I just stare at her for awhile and admire the beauty in front of me that's her. Her hazel brown eyes were dilated and it looked like twinkling thanks to the sun ray shining through the window. Her lashes fully long and her pink lips that I couldn't resist to have hovering on my own. Her long brown hair that falls perfectly over my shirt, covering her front knowingly there's nothing underneath that thin fabric. I couldn't help but to bite my lower lip.



"I'm hungry."

"Oh, I should be making breakfast now. I can't let you starve." She innocently replied.

She stood up and walked away from the couch. I watched her swaying back walking away from me as she enters the kitchen her bare feet tapping on the floor. Those long tanned legs. Tsss. She's gonna be the death of me.

I stood up after a few moments and lay down my guitar on the couch. I followed Mae in the kitchen to find her preparing the pan on the stove. I went near her, on her back to be exact and snaked my arms around her slim waist.

"Niall, you can wait by the table." She giggled, turning on the stove.

But I had to turn it off. "I said I'm hungry."

"Yes, that's why I'm cooking." She tilted her head to side to look at me that caused me to have a better access to her neck.

"I didn't mean food. I'm hungry for something sweet, something more delicious." I whisper as I softly kissed her neck and I felt her shiver. Good.

"Niall..." Her voice was a bit shaky with my simple gesture.

"You know, last night was amazing... Really amazing." I trailed kisses n her neck to her jaw until I reached her soft spot beneath her ear. "Waking up, beside you I'm a loaded gun. I can't contain this anymore. I'm all yours, I got no control. No control." I sang into her ears as I pressed my front behind her.
All I've got was a moan as a response.

"NIAAAAAAAALL!!!" She screamed as I carried her on my shoulder, making our way back to the bedroom.

"Did anyone ordered pizza?" I snap out of my reminiscing when I heard her voice.

There she is, standing in a mint green dress holding three boxes of pizza. The smile that I've been longing for is so contagious that I have this wide smile, stretching my facial muscles.

"Oh thank you so much, Mae for the pizza!" Louis grabs the boxes from her.

"Oi! That's mine, Lou." I scold him as I go straight to get my girl.

"C'mon, lad! Sharing is caring." He says as everyone inside the room grabs a slice each.
"Hey." Mae speaks up as I pull her back to the couch I'm sitting on before.

"I missed you." I didn't hesitate to sit her on my lap once we've settled and buried my face on her neck.

"I missed you too." She laughs, oh how I missed that sound.

"I just can't get enough of you." I whisper for only her to hear as I caress her thigh under that dress. "I really love that dress but I'll love it better if I'm the one who's going to take it off."
"Niall, can you please-- shit." She mumbles, trying to be quiet with my sweet assault on her neck; nibbling her soft spot.

"Hey! You two! We're still here!" I heard Liam shouted and my head snap into his direction. I saw him laughing with Louis that I have to flip them off.

"Thank you so much for having us! We're One Direction and we'll see you soon!" I wave to the screaming crowd and run off the stage with the other lads.

I run straight to where my girl is waiting. She's standing in a corner, I guess waiting for me.

"How was it?" I asked panting.

"You guys were brilliant there! Like oh my god. You freaking sang No Control and even 18. That just made my night. You look so perfect standing there. With you playing your guitar and sing--"

I have to cut her ranting off. She's talking too much and all I want is to kiss her. Its supposed to be a simple kiss but she has to open her mouth and I can't help but to slide my tongue into her. A simple kiss turned out to be a heated making out session. I can't resist this girl, so irresistible.

"Niall, Mae." We have to stop and look to the source of the voice. Its Liam. "Why don't you get a room?" He got a scornful face but I know he's just teasing.

"Yeah," Louis walks toward us. "Somewhere the two of you could privately get off."

I can't believe it. They're talking about this now in front of my girlfriend. Mae's turning into a red tomato.

Harry lastly approaches and takes my right hand. He puts something in my hand.

"A fan threw that earlier at my face when we're singing No Control. Looks like you'll be needing it the most." Then he whispers into my ears, "You know, I don't want to be an uncle very soon." He pats my back and joins the other.

I look at my hand and saw what I was expecting, the foil. My jaw drops to the floor.

"Have a fun night!" Louis smirks and I just want to slap his face to wipe that smirk.

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