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"So here's my question: when you lose the most important person to you in the entire world, where is all the love- love you never even knew you were capable of- supposed to go?"

I closed the book I was reading and sighed, not in the mood to finish the chapter. I stood up from the place I was sitting on in the window sill and put on my favorite green sweater. I decided to take a quick walk around the park that was close to our house. Yes, our house since I was living with someone else. His name was Keith and he was soon-to-be fiancé in a few months. Both of our parents decided to merge their corporations together, and they thought that if their children would get married, their business would flow successfully. Everything was against my will, but I had no choice but to obey them, even if meant letting go of the person I loved.

I opened the front door and a smile appeared on my face as I saw leaves falling down gently from the trees and landing on the ground. I loved the sound of leaves crunching under the sole of my shoes as I began to make my way to the park. He always loved the October weather. I remembered how we used to cuddle together on the couch, wrapped in a warm quilt and drinking the hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows he always made for the both of us when the weather was chilly.

It was already one in the morning when I woke up because I couldn't sleep that well.

"Niall?" I whispered, tapping his shoulder. He grunted.

"Mmm," was all he said.

"Are you asleep?"

He turned around to face me, his eyelids still closed, his voice raspy, "No, I was hunting for elephants."

I giggled and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest, his chin resting on top of my head as I listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat, "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I've had a lot going on in my mind," I whispered. My parents would be furious if they knew I was spending the night with Niall. They thought I was with Keith. He kissed my forehead and I felt his breath.

"Don't worry about that. You're with me and I'm with you and that's all that matters," Niall whispered back, planting kisses on my face.

"Okay," I breathed, inhaling the scent of his cologne I've grown to love. We were silent for a few minutes, enjoying the presence of each other.

"I love you," He said, pecking my lips.

"I love you, also."

But why did he go away?

I arrived at the park, and sat on the bench that had a nice view of the river. Some leaves were floating on the water, the orange and red colored leaves making a perfect color combination. It's been six months since I last saw him. Niall and I never talked after the day we broke up. We did exchange a few hello's through text but we never got anything passed that. I deleted his number afterwards as an attempt to move on, even though I knew it wouldn't work. I've always kept in touch with Liam, his best friend, and I always asked how Niall was doing, if he was still partying. As usual, he did.

"Niall!" I laughed as he twirled me around during a slow song. I wasn't fond of dancing, but for him, I did.

We were at a friend's party and we had a few good drinks and we were goofing around the dance floor. He was showing off again and I laughed at his ridiculous dance moves.

"I'm a good dancer," He hollered, "I bet you wish you had my moves."

"You wish."

"You can't dance to save your life, babe," He teased. I rolled my eyes at his teasing and he grinned at me.

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