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" You guys are in your third year, so it's time to be serious about your future. I'II pass out forms for your future plans, "
The teacher in front of the class said holding several sheets of papers in his hands a smug look on his face

" but everyone... is taking the hero course, right? "
The teacher wondered out loud throwing the papers in the air

" Yeah! "

The students began using their quirks happily inside the classroom

" Great Quirks! Everyone! "
The teacher exclaimed

" But using your Quirk at school isn't allowed, Ok? "
The teacher said trying to calm the excited students down

" Teacher, don't put us all in the same category. I don't plan to aim low like all these Quirk rejects. "
Bakugo said looking at his teacher with a smug look on his face

" Can't believe you Katsuki! "
One of his classmates yelled at him and soon he was joined by more of his classmates

" You should all just shut up! "
Bakugo yelled

" Oh yes. Bakugo is going to U.A. High School? "
The teacher said making the students gasp

People began to murmur and it only fueled the bakugo's ego more

" This is why you are all extras. "
Bakugo spoke a smug grin on his face, Bakugo jumped and now stood on his desk

" I aced the mock test. I'm the only one here qualified for U.A. I will even surpass All Might and become the top Hero. My name will be listed on the highest paid list-! "

" Congratulations on getting recommended to U.A. Kashimo. "
The teacher congratulated the young male, they looked at the said male who looked uninterested at what they are currently doing. Kashimo raised his eyebrow at the people looking at him, it was silent in the classroom for a few moment before everyone began to yell in disbelief


" HOW?! "

Bakugo yelled angrily looking at Kashimo who only gave him a blank look

" Midoriya wants to go to U.A. too, right? "
The teacher said taking the attention off of Kashimo

The classroom was silent before it was filled by laughter

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