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[ APRIL 13, 2117 ]
[ 8:00 A.M. ]


" Mister! What's All Might's lessons like?! "
A Reporter asked a frustrated Kashimo

" I haven't had any lessons with him yet. "
Kashimo said in response a tick mark appearing on his forehead

He stood still not caring if Kairi was clutching the back of his uniform to hide from the reporters

" And now if you excuse us, we'll need to head to clans now. "
Kashimo said wrapping his arm around Kairi but not touching her as he lead her to the school

" Wait-! Aren't you Number 5 Hero Noritoshi's son?! You were also in the sludge incident! "
The Reporter exclaimed

" Isn't she Endeavor's daughter?! "
The cameraman exclaimed pointing at Kairi who wanted to just shrink in Kashimo's grasp to hide from the public's eyes

Kashimo stepped through U.A. With Kairi still with him

" Hey! Are the two of you dating-?! "

" Hey- Hey-! "
The Reporter yelled going after the students but was stopped by a metal barrier

The Rpeorter dropped to the ground

" What just happened? "
The Reporter exclaimed, A cameraman walked up to them

" We call it the U.A. Barrier. "
The Reporter snapped their head at the cameraman

" What a lame name! "

The cameraman pointed his hand upwards

" If someone without student ID or authorization passes this gate, the security measure will trigger. "

" I heard the campus is full of sensors. "
Another said

" Seriously? Acting all important! It's just an interview! "
The Reporter complained

" We're here for two days and we get peanuts. "


[ 8:25 A.M. ]


" This may be sudden but me and Utahime want you to... choose a Class President. "
Vlad announced in front of the Class with Utahime beside her making everyone light up

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