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[ January 3 ]


" Ah! Congrats on getting into U.A. Momo and Kashimo. "
Miyamura said with a sweet voice

" Why don't we go and celebrate? "
Sumi said clasping her hands together with a soft smile plastered on her face

" Good job you two. "
Suguru congratulated with a smile, slinging his arm over his brother in law's shoulder

They walked towards the car leaving Kashimo standing there

Kashimo gritted his teeth in disbelief

" How the fuck did I get in 1-B? I got first in the written test of the recommendation and I was also first in the practical. So how did I get into 1-B and not 1-A- "
Kashimo's thoughts were cut off when his father called out to him

" Kashimo, Are you alright? "
Noritoshi asked his son who seemed to be deep in his thoughts

" Yeah. "
Kashimo uttered, Noritoshi pat Kashimo's head

" I'm not gonna press any further but I do hope that you know that we're here for you, especially me and your mother. "
Noritoshi said taking his hand off the boys hair

" Now, let's get in the car. Wouldn't want to keep your sashimi in the restaurant
waiting. "
Noritoshi said gesturing towards the car

Kashimo scoffed but he let out a small smile at the relevation

Noritoshi sighed as his son got into the back seat, he always gotta use sashimi to convince his son who is addicted to eating it

He got into the front seat and ordered the driver to drive

After a few minutes of driving, the driver announced that they were here

They all stepped out of the expensive black rolls royce and looked at the expensive buffet

" Don't worry, there's gonna be Sashimi there. "
Noritoshi said from beside his son who's a bit taller than him, his son being 6'2 and him being 5'9

They went in and got checked in by the waiter, they have a private space and then they all left to go get some food

Kashimo got sashimi as expected

Momo got some sweets and sashimi

Noritoshi got coffee and some food

Sumi got sushi and tempura

Miyamura and Geto both got the same thing which is Zaru Soba

And the drinks they got were Gyokuro which is essentially tea

They said their thanks and ate

Kashimo swallowed the sashimi as he thought if she got into the heroics course


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Posted on - December 4, 2023 | 12:09 p.m

UPDATED ON - MARCH 29, 2024 | 10:55 A.M

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