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1. DO NOT CONTINUE if you believe that authors can just do whatever the fuck they want with their fan made content. Any comments that say "that's the whole purpose of fanfics because it's fan made and they don't have to follow the original source", YOU WILL be muted. The whole purpose of this rant book is to CRITICIZE fan made content. Bending JJK rules or not, both sides can be bad. Just because authors would bend the rules of the original source doesn't make their story good.

2. If you start crying about the criticism or how this book should not be a thing, you'll be blocked. Just because a fanfic is fan made, doesn't make the story good by any means. This is a rant book of me calling out how bad some stories are WRITTEN. Plots, characters, pairings etc.

3. I won't ATTACK viciously on anyone's books. I won't make a repeat of the "Everything Wrong With Naruto Fanfics" I'll just make references and if you feel like you know that book then good job.

4. Yes this is my JJK rant book space. Don't like it, don't continue to read it. I'll be educating y'all what is good and what is NOT good about JJK fanfics. I'll also give advice on plots that are either too cliche and just straight bad. This may or may not help you when it comes to making your own story.

5. You don't need to write a whole ass masterpiece. That isn't the purpose of this rant book. Too many don't pay attention to the anime/manga which I'll be debriefing the same mistakes people make.

6. If you have any other ideas of bad jjk fanfics that are common. Please list them.

7. Last thing I want is debate wars about the manga. If you come stating facts that isn't true with head canon nonsense, you'll be blocked for good. If there's things I've said you BELIEVE isn't correct, then you can state so, and I'll re check if I indeed made a mistake. I take most of my info from the manga, fanbook, and interviews Gege talks about his characters and story. The Wikipedia is a fact checker that wouldn't lie either.

8. If this book gets too much with arguing, I may unpublish it. I'm taking a huge big leap of going over what's bad in JJK fanfics. I am not going to create fan theories/assumptions that aren't in the manga to create debates, because I know how chaotic the fandom is. I hang around the manga Reddit forums and it gets super crazy since Gege doesn't explain a whole lot of things with his own story. I'll be only going over manga FACTS THAT people forget or have reading comprehension.

Im not gonna really be editing my grammar/punctuation since this is a rant book, but you'll get the gist of what I'm saying.

Continue to the first complaint.

Continue to the first complaint

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Everything wrong with JJK fanficsWhere stories live. Discover now