Chapter 13

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(Warning: Angst ahead!)


No one's POV:

It's been about two days since that incident, and Y/N still wasn't back.

They did find Caine, but he explained that the fall must have tampered with her coding and that it would take time for it to fully recover.


Two days turned into a week, and a week turned into weeks... who knew..

Everyone was worried about their friend, but nobody knew that when a specific purple rabbit was alone, he would silently let out some tears over his secret love interest.

It sure was heartbreaking seeing such a kind and helpful member injured and unconscious.

They visited her every day, but ever since weeks turned into a month, their visits became less, and Jax locked himself into his room, avoiding the others.

He was slowly losing it, with questions running through his mind like wild.

Is she dead? Will she ever wake up? Is she going to be okay?

He was pulled out of his train of thoughts when he felt a sharp pain in his hand.

When he looked down, his eyes widened.

One of his hands was glitching, from his yellow gloved hand, to black with an abstracted eye staring right at him.

What would he expect.. he's been in his room for what.. weeks? Without any social contact whatsoever.

Is this it... the way things end?

Just then, there was a loud bang on his door.

Jax's POV:

I was sitting in a corner in my room silently dreading over what's going to happen next after seeing my glitching hand.

*bang bang bang*

"Open up idiot! You can't stay in there forever!" It was Zooble.

I wiped my tears away and cleared my throat, and spoke in a monotone voice

"What do you care?" My eyes never left the ground.

"I swear to f- [beep], if you don't open up rn, I WILL BREAK THAT DAMN DOOR OF YOURS!" My ears twitched at the volume of her yelling.

"Just go away.." she didn't respond, and I could hear a muffled sigh from the other side of the door.

"I can't believe I'm saying this.. but we miss you, Jax. Your jokes.. heck, even your pranks. We all miss her, you know.. but having you around would make things less gloomy."

"Well... I'm not in the mood, so mind you own business!" I snapped at her, somehow sort of regretting it shortly after.

She didn't say anything after that, and I could hear her walking away.

I pulled my knees to my chest and placed my head on my legs.

'Everything would be normal.. Great, even if you were here sweetheart..'

"I hope you get better soon.."

But should I keep holding my breath about it.. or just move on with my days until she's back and be happy about her return?

If she were 'dead', would she want to see any of us like this? Cooped up in their room, dreading over the future, crying. Even away from people, cutting off their social life.. It's not like I even was social anyway...


I let out a deep sigh.

I tried getting up from the floor, only for my legs to give in to gravity and me falling back to the ground with a decently loud thud.


Guess I'll be here for a while longer...

'If this goes on any longer, I might be abstracted soon.. I should at least be a little social.. to avoid becoming insane and completely isolated..'

But for now.. I might call it a day..

With that, I felt sleep take over, and I fell asleep leaning against the wall.


Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now