chapter 2

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It's been sometime i updated , sorry for the wait guys . Hope everyone like this story


Porsche pov

" po , your dad always loved you . It's just he never tell you that he loves you and if you wanna do something for dad it can be anything other than this po "

Mom said

" mom please i wanna do this , I'm sure that I will be happy there. Please mom help me convince dad please..... "

I said holding her hands

" but po "

" please mom.....Do this for me if you really love me "

I said without letting her finish

" Po baby are you really sure "

Mom ask me

" yes mom , I'm "

I said with a small smile

She get up from the couch and go to dad in the balcony , they talk for sometime and dad came to me and said

" po dad loves you but , it's just that i never get a chance to say this to you . Please understand dad po and you don't have to do this it's your life don't try to solve your brother mess "

" but dad I wanna do this your you , for mom . Not for anyone else you guys are my family , how can I see you suffer. Please let me do this please. Let me do this if you guys really love me "

I said and finally convinced both of them to let me do this . Then dad phone start to ring he take it . I look at him and said

" please dad let me do this"

He smile and give a forehead kiss then said

" if this is what you want then what can I do , but remember po if anyone from his family don't treat you well come to your dad don't endure it like you always do okay "

" okay dad "

I said and hug him

" so am i an outsider"

Mom said and I pull her in and we hug
Then dad take his phone and call them and said our decision and mom is also busy because i need a wedding dress and ring . I left them their and go to my friends , they were enjoying and i decided to tell them everything
My best friends are  pete , jom , tem . After I tell them everything they also try their best to make my mind but I tell them that I'm not going to change my mind so jom tell me that

'' if my husband or any of his family members hurt me tell him he will beat the shit out of him ''

We laugh it out and they drink telling me that they first drink to celebrate my brother's batchelor party but now they are drinking to celebrate my batchelor s party. Everyone passout after drinking a little bit more . I tell the servent to help me take them to the guest room . Then I go to my room , i have been trying to sleep for a long time but it doesn't seem like I will get any sleep tonight.

The next day morning

I woke up to someone banging on the door.

" who is it"

I ask

" po wake up baby , you will be late. You need to get Ready for the wedding"

Mom said. Oh my God today is my wedding i completely forgot about this. Oh shit, what am I going to do .

" po , open the door baby "

Mom said

" Wait a second mom , I'm coming"

I said then get up from the bed and open the door , mom have breakfast in her hand . She give it to me then said

" eat your breakfast and get fresh the makeup artist will be here soon "

" mom , where is my friends"

I ask her

" oh they must be getting ready, don't worry i will go check on them to make sure they are ready before you and come to you fast okay "

Mom said i think she can read mind , I go to bathroom to get fresh then eat breakfast. I heard a knocking sound now who is it I open the door to find my friends and the makeup artist there so they help me get ready . I was so nervous

" Po what happen ,  why you look like that "

Jon said

" He is nervous you idiot , today is his wedding"

Tem said

" Po , don't worry everything will be fine"

Pete said

" Yeah, everything will be fine after the wedding"

I said then take a deep breath to clam myself .

" The make up is done , you look really handsome and beautiful . "

The make up artist said

" Thank you for your time and thank you for saying that "

I said . The make up artist is gone now it's only me and my friends in the room. They are chilling but I can't seem to clam down so I go to balcony for some fresh air , suddenly my phone rang  i know who is it and  I have to clam down and do this for my family. I can't think about him now , my family is more important to me than him . I have to do this for my father and mother . They are my world , i can't think about him . I always been with him and always support him  . I have been choosing him other than my family all the time but now my family needs me  .

Pete came and hug me he really knows me and now i really needed that hug . I hug him back really tight, we stayed like that for a few minutes then my friends came and it turns to a big group hug . It really did magic on me now I feel like I can handle anything by my friends and family beside me . Let's see how bad can be my married Life

After sometime mom came to my room

"Po baby , you look really beautiful , you are the most beautiful groom in the world"

mom said

"Mom stop it , that dialogue is used my every mom in their baby's wedding"

i said

" But it is true Baby, you look really beautiful"

mom said

" Aunty , when is the ceremony going to start"

pete ask

" Oh , i forgot po i came to inform you that the ceremony will start in 5 minutes . Be ready and come downstairs in 5 minutes okay "

Mom said to me i noded then turn to my friends and said

" You guys come down in 5 minutes with po ok "

" Okay aunty "

They said at the same time
Now I'm really regretting my decision but i have to do this , he will really hate me after.

" Po , you're zoning out again"

Pete said

" Yeah what are you thinking so much you're future husband is really hot "

Jom said and everyone laugh

" Jom stop your jokes"

Tem said

" Okay guys stop , our best friend is getting married. We need to give him a hug , come here all of you group hug "

Pete said and they gave me a tight hug now I'm feeling a lot better.

To be continued............

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