chapter 7

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I love this chapter so tell me if you like it or not

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Kinn's pov

After everyone goes back to their own home , I came to the room then saw the gift I prepared for him on the table . I sit on the sofa took the gift in my hands. I don't know what to do anymore , po is not happy in this marriage. Everyone wants be with their loved ones on their birthday so I can't blame him to choose to spend his birthday with Vegas than me and his family members. I know I could never replace the love po has for Vegas . I should let him be happy in his life right , he is happy when he is with Vegas so I should let him be with Vegas right but I don't know when did I became this selfish , I'm a really selfish person , I'm a really bad person because I know he is not happy in this marriage so I should have let him be happy . Yes I should let him be happy , I should divorce him ....

I don't know why when I think about divorceing him , I suddenly feel like I can't breathe anymore. Why does this feeling keep coming back to me  , I don't wanna feel like this anymore , this feeling is keeping me from giving him his real happiness. I don't wanna be like this

" Kinn , are you inside. Can I come in "

Mom said while knocking on the door

" Come in mea , the door is not locked "

" Okay "

Mea come and sat beside me

" Is this the present you prepare for him "

" Yes , mea "

" What's inside "

" It's just a custom made necklace , I think it will look good on him . It also have a phenoix pendent because he have a phenoix tattoo on his back "

" Po have a tattoo"

" Yeah mom , don't you remember he got into an accident that was the time he got that tatto . When he asked me take him to get a tattoo I never think that he is really serious about this , I just  thought that he will just get some simple one but when he said what the tatto ment to him I really feel like he is turning in to a new person "

" That's good , so where is po "

" I I told you right  that he is in a meeting and will be back in the morning "

" Kinn both you and me know that you are lying , I'm your mom you can lie to everyone without getting caught but not me . I can see how your face changes , when you were preparing for his birthday you were happy and so happy that you were over the moon but you , you were looking like you would cry any moment so tell me where your husband"

'' he is with Vegas"

" Why ''

" Because Vegas is his boyfriend mea , not like me whose a husband he is forced to marry "

" When was that "

" After two months tawan and me become boyfriends mom and you know what po never liked Vegas like that also he never want to be in a relationship that time too but when everyone kept asking him why he don't want to be in a relationship he agreed to be Vegas boyfriend , at first he always call me to ask if he made a bad decision by saying yes to Vegas but sometimes after he started to call me to tell how good Vegas is as a boyfriend. Vegas was indeed really nice and always take good care of him , you know mea whenever he was in trouble he will always come to me for help and I'll go to him but after they became boyfriends Porsche never come to me for any advice or solution. I was kinda hurt at first but tawan eventually tell me even though we are best friends it is natural to go ask your boyfriend for help this way they will understand eachother and will be more close to eachother and I think he is right so whenever there is something that bothering me I start to tell tawan about it but I always missed him because whenever I tell tawan about something he will just say it's not my fault but  in reality it is definitely my fault , after that I never said anything to tawan again . "

" So do you want him to be happy again kinn"

" What kind of a question is that mea , ofcourse I want him to be happy , I want him to be the happiest person on earth , I want all good things around him . I need him to be happy mea "

" Do you think with Vegas is when he is happy "

" Mm , he is happy with Vegas "

" Then you should devorce him so he can be with Vegas and be happy "

When I heard the word devorce the pain I felt when pete said po is with Vegas came back to be but this time the pain that 100 times stronger. One tear came down my cheeks

" What happened baby , why are you crying"

" I I don't know mea , when .. when you said the word devorce , I just .. just couldn't . I can't mea I can't "

I said trying so hard not to cry

" Kinn , baby clam down for a moment . If you don't want to then you don't have to devorce him "

" Why mea , why am I such a selfish person. I know his happiness is with Vegas but I can't just let him go to Vegas even if I want to"

" Kinn , you are not being selfish you are just in love "

" What "

" Yes baby, you love him . You love your po "

" Mea that can't be . I do love him but I love him as my best friend"

" Kinn , you are in love with your best friend"

" But "

" Just listen to me I don't know how come you don't realise it but just think about it.
One , he is your confront zone even though you have a boyfriend"

" Yes he is because he is my best friend"

" Just answer yes or no love "

" Okay mea "

" You don't like to share things with your boyfriend but you can with your best friend "

" Yes "

" You don't like that po only talk about Vegas when he calls "

" Sometimes "

" Yes or no "

" Yes "

" You miss him so much "

" Yes "

" You felt jealously because Vegas have po's full attention "

" Yes "

"You never want to see him sad ".

" Yes "

Do you still don't see it kinn "

" No  mea , because he is my best friend "

" Okay then tell me why did you cry when I say to divorce po "

" I don't know "

" Why , why you don't know "

" Because I I just don't know I don't know "






Kinn scream and throw the flower vase  , his mom suddenly hugs him tight while trying to calm him down after sometime kinn cry in his mother's shoulder and said
" Mea , I can't let him go ..... I can't. Even if everyone call me selfish I just can't let him go ... I love him mea , I love him so much

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