chapter 6

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Hi everyone , hope you like this chapter

Happy reading



Author's pov

Kinn tried really hard to talk to Porsche but Porsche on the other hand ignored kinn lika a plague. Porsche wakes up before kinn and goes to the kitchen to help his mother in law and then he goes out or stays with other family members in order to not talk to kinn , he also goes to sleep early when kinn is not in the room or he is in the bathroom so he doesn't have to talk to kinn . Kinn tried waking up early and waited till Porsche came to the room before doing anything but Porsche saw what kinn is doing and did the opposite.


Kinn was determined because today is the weekend and he doesn't need to go to work so he will definitely talk to Porsche today . When he woke up it was 10 already so he freshened up quickly and saw Porsche msg to come down for breakfast but it was sent at 9 30 so everyone must have had breakfast. He goes down and sees everyone gather in the hall happily chatting with each other. Mom sees him  and gestures for him to come join them , he goes beside Porsche and thinks that he got the opportunity to talk to him in private so kinn said

" Po , can you get me breakfast"

Everyone stops chatting and looks at them then they smile

" Why kinn , why didn't you ask mom or maid huh "

Phi khun said and everybody started to laugh, kinn didn't't think about that but when they say it like that he got shy

" Phi khun don't you know that now phi kinn have a husband unlike us so he don't need mom or the maid "

Kim said laughing  , when he mentioned husband  kinn face turned red like a tomato .

" Stop teasing them you guys look at kinn's face it's red like a tomato"

Mea said

" Mea ....."

Kinn called her

"What baby , do you want mommy to ask your husband to get you some breakfast"

Mea said and everyone laughed even more  . Kinn thinks it's not a good time to talk to Porsche and go to the kitchen. While everyone said

' he must be really shy ' .

Kinn goes to the kitchen and asks the maid to get breakfast for him then he thinks for a plan

' at first I thought it would be easy but getting po away from  my family is not easy , because if they see me and  po together they will definitely tease us . How should I get po to our room without getting teased by anyone . I got it I'll just text po to come to my room '

Kinn's pov

I look at them while hiding behind a pillar from the second floor after finishing my breakfast, I text po

' come to the room , I want to talk to you '

I see po taking his phone reading the msg I sent , then he looks at everyone then starts to talk like he didn't even receive the msg . At this point I get that po don't wanna talk to me , it did hurt a little but I think that it's fair when looking at the things he has to go through. So I decided that from now on I will not try to bring this up to make him more sad than he already is .

After One week

In this one week I didn't try to talk to him nor did he , when in front of my family and friends he acted like the best husband anyone could ask for but in reality inside our bedroom he didn't even utter a single word to me . Today is his birthday so I decided to arrange a birthday party for him . Since we became best friends it has always been me who arranges his birthday party , we always do a theme party and always dress up and do crazy things and at the end of our party we will fulfill one of his wishes that he will say that time  . Now I'm arranging a surprise birthday party for him without knowing how to because he is no longer my best friend but he is my husband , but I'm not going to do anything romantic related because even though he is my husband, we never see each other as husbands. I invited all of our friends and both our families. Porsche is in his fashion studio which he owns he will be back in an hour we set up everything, decoration, cake  and gifts for him .

After one hour he didn't come home, I called him but he didn't pick up so I called pete to ask him where is po and why is pete not at the party , I also invited pete and all of po's friends and co worker's.

On the call with pete

Pete - hello

Kinn - hey pete , where are you . Why didn't you join the party

Pete - oh , I'm on my way . I will be there in an hour

Kinn - okay , do you happen to know where Porsche is

Pete - Porsche right , he  he is here with me

Kinn - oh then can you bring him home now , everyone is waiting for him

Pete - oh , actually about that . There is a little problem

Kinn - what happened , is he okay

Pete - yeah Porsche is fine ,it's just that ....

Kinn - pete you are scaring me, Tell me what happened

Pete - there is nothing to worry about kinn

Kinn - pete tell me what happened

Pete - Porscheiswithvegas

Kinn - what

Pete - kinn , Porsche is with Vegas

Kinn - oh okay

Pete - kinn ?

Kinn - yeah

Pete - are you okay

Kinn - yeah I'm fine

Pete - I'm not sure if he is going to come back home kinn

Kinn - yeah I got it ,I'll just tell them he is busy with work

Pete - ok , do you want me to tell him anything

Kinn - no . Pete can you do me a favour and don't tell him that I called and did a surprise birthday party for him

Pete - okay kinn

Kinn - bye pete

I cut the call , I don't know why I feel like someone is grabbing my neck so tight that I can't seem to take breaths. I feel like my heart is getting stabbed again and again. I go to the hall and tell them that the party is cancelled because Porsche had some important work that he needs to do . All of them go back home , the maid took down the decoration and put the cake in the refrigerator and I told her she can have it and go to bed

To be continued........

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