Bye Hero

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 "We are here today to pay our tribute and our respect to a man of God, our brother, Kasem Chakimha. Finally, we are here today to seek and receive comfort. We would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this situation. We are not too proud to acknowledge that we have come here today trusting that God would minister to our hearts, and give us strength as we continue in our walk with Him. "

These were the dreadful words that any Sixteen year old would not want to hear but, here I am biting my lip trying to be strong as they say I should. But how can I when it's my dad they're talking about, my hero, my life, my best friend? He is my everything, now my everything is gone how am I supposed to be 'strong'? Oh, how I wish it was somebody else and not Dad, I know am selfish but you won't understand.  

"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to Almighty God our brother Kasem Chakimha and we commit his/her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Sister Beth, please lead us with a hymn as we return our brother to his savior."

"yes, Pastor," My aunt Beth said Before starting to sing the first verse of Amazing Grace. Just as she released the first note a tear dropped from my eyes which I quickly wiped. 

'I need to be strong for Mom'   I said in my mind glancing at Mom, who was now sobbing uncontrollably.

"You and your mom mean the world to me Pookie, I will make sure not even a single tear drops from these beautiful eyes ok I love you, my girls"  He said before going to Chai Mai but here is Mom crying like a maniac 

"May the loved ones of our brother come forward and say their last goodbyes"

The pastor said and we all stood up. I held mom's hand and went toward father's grave.

They told us to grab a handful of soil from a shovel. I stood in front of Dad for the last time, I couldn't see his face but I felt his presence.

"No matter where I am or where you are, your spirit will always be beside me, see you soon Dad," I said in my heart and dropped the soil in the grave before bowing my head to hide my tears.

Mom did the same and the rest of Dad's friends did. We made our way to our seats to watch the men throwing sand on his coffin.


"Thank you for coming" 

Mom said while I was waving to the leaving guest.

"Come on" she held my hand and we went inside the house. I immediately ran up the stairs to my room, locked the door, and sank onto my bed before playing my favourite Billie Eilish track. 




"Baby are you awake"

I opened my eyes when I heard my mom knocking on my door

"Yes mom I am" I replied

"Can you come to the living room we need to talk" then she went down stairs.

I took off my air pods and followed her. Reaching there I found her on the couch waiting for me. I sighed and took a seat next to her

"We are moving out" There she just dropped the bombshell

"What" I frowned

" I think its for the better baby this hou-"

"But mom"

"Don't argue with me Sarocha" she snickered pointing her finger at me

"This house has a lot of memories of your dad and its haunting you"

"Its not"

"It is..... baby I can hear you cry at night, you cry when looking at something that reminds you of him and they are a lot of them" she went closer to me and held my hands while I remained quiet.

"I am afraid that your mental and emotional health will degrade"

"Mom am grieving I won't die" My voice cracked, eyes glistening

"Baby am not saying you should forget dad or not grieve him, no, lets move and start afresh, with your dad in our hearts ok" I nodded and a tear fell from my eyes

"Aw don't cry" she wiped my tears and hugged me 

"Its me and you against the world ok" 

"Think of it as a new begging" I removed my head from her shoulders and looked at her

"New beginning?" I asked

"Yeah a new beginning, you can even make friends" I scoffed

"Mom am not two, I don't need friends"

"Yes you do everyone needs a friend"

"Being alone is my thing" I said standing up

  "Bullshit, you are just shy" I gasped dramatically

"Mrs Chakimha am not shy and I do have friends" I walked upstairs to avoid this conversation.


"My mom" I sarcastically said then went into my room

I immediately slumped on my bed with my face on the pillow 

"Arggh" I yelped

"Why did you have to go Dad I miss you" 

"Please come back" I clenched my heart 

I took my air pods and went back to my depressing playlist.



"Is that all" mom asked loading the last box on the car

"Yep" I stood in front of the house digesting all the memories it has. I felt mom entangling our hands together

"New beginning baby" 

"New beginning mom"

"Me and you against the world?"

"Me and you against the world" She hugged 

"Come on"

Hai Mai here we come bye Bangkok by hero   

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