Hi neighbour

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'WELCOME TO HAT YAI' That was the board sign I saw as soon as Mom took a left turn. We then entered a street full of palm trees.

I don't know why but I felt a rush of excitement and fear at the same time but the place itself was quite intriguing with all the kids playing on the side of the road, women laughing, and men having a talk while drinking beer. It looked friendly.

 "Here we are," Mom said entering a white and peach-coloured house. The house was generally smaller than our house in Bangkok but it was warm and welcoming even from the outside. The garden was filled with tulips and was just a cherry on top of the whole house.

"Come on get the boxes I will unlock the door" 

"Ok," I got out of the car and went to the backseat then took a box full of my books and made my way towards the front porch.

However, my tracks were stopped midway when I glanced at my neighbour's house. I saw two girls on the balcony doing a TikTok dance.

However, my focus was on the black short-haired girl. I couldn't see her face clearly but the fifteen to seventeen-year-old girl had me captivated, captivated by how her body was moving to the beat of the song, how her hair was flipping and blowing as if it was windy felt I don't know, perfect you could say.

"You are going to make our neighbours feel like we are creeps" Mom whispered frightening me a little.

"Sorry" I half whispered and entered the house

Remember how I said that the outside of the house was welcoming and warm, yeah no shit but inside is even better.

 The dark-browned floor, the combination of white and peach on the walls, the white table on the center of the living room that had a vase of flowers on top was just wow. I was star-struck and in awe.

"Wait till you see your room" I felt a rush of adrenaline when mom said that. I literally sprinted t the small staircase on the center of the house. In a matter of seconds I was standing on a passage between a bathroom, shower room, and tree rooms on it.

"Far left is yours" She pointed to a room with a white door. Opening the room I could see what mom meant. 

It was an aesthetic purple room, it was everything I wanted. It was like she had read my mind, led lights on the corners of the room, purple walls, white ware drop, purple sheets and white fluffy pillows, book shelf on the corner and a study table. I was literally in love right now.

I placed the box I was holding on my bed and ran back downstairs to see the rest of the house.


Done with packing and house tour, I sat on the couch multitasking between playing with my dog fluffy and reading 'Fly with me by Andie Burke' while mom way preparing dinner.

My reading and playing time were disturbed by a knock on the door, I glanced at the kitchen and back at the door before mm shouted for me to see who it is.

I dusted of my jeans and went to the door.

Opening the door I was met with an image of a family of three, a middle aged woman probably mom's age, a young girl of about grade 2 or 3 age and her, my black short- haired girl all smiling at me.

"Hi" I greeted

"Hello we are your neighbour from that house and we thought we could say hi " Said the middle aged woman holding a bottle of red wine on her hand.

I just remained quiet, what was I supposed to do 

"Freen don't be rude let them in.... am sorry my daughter is a social butterfly" Mom said gesturing for them to enter. 

The woman laughed and entered followed by the rest who only bowed.

"Please sit, I was just finishing dinner do join us"

"Great cause I brought wine" she smiled and took the bottle.

They went to the the kitchen while I was left with the teenager and a grade two student looking at me and I looked back unaware of what to do now. 

The younger one laughed and went play with Fluffy on the mat leaving me staring at her sister.

The sister looked both cute with her chubby cheeks and big brown eyes and sexy with her black wavy shoulder short hair which seemed to complement her pinkish lips that looked so soft. I'm guessing she's 5'6 feet tall since she was a little shorter than me and I am 6 feet.

Her milky white skin was a cherry on top of her curves. She looked extremely hot in a black thin strappy shirt that showed her navel, a push up bra that hugged her perfectly small breast and a short skirt.

I might have looked at her for a good five minutes before she was compelled to clear her throat to show her presence and pull me from my trance.

"I-I'm sorry Mom never told me staring was rude" I blurted out without thinking God how embarrassing .

Surprisingly she burst into a fit of laughter that sounded like music to my ears.

"Well it isn't but eye fucking is" she held her stomach

"I wasn't eye fucking you" I defended myself

"Yes you were it was like you wanted to rip my clothes off" she chuckled and went to sit n the couch and I followed.

"Freen" I introduced my self trying to change the subject

"Rebecca but you can call me Becky" she shook my hand and immediate electricity.  Ahh such a cute name

"I like your house its welcoming" she said looking around

"Thanks Mom decorated it"

"Wow she must be a home designer right"

"No an accountant" she looked at me with widened eyes

"Really damn but she's so good"


"Becky look its a puppy" the little girl said holding fluffy in her hands

"Yeah Emily I can see that am not blind" she rolled her eyes 

"Becky for once be nice to your sister" her mom said from the dining room

"Tell her to stop talking like she stupid " she snickered. Damn that attitude.

Her mom sighed and glared at her while placing both her hands on her waist. 

 "Come lets eat" mom saved 

 We went to the dining room, the sitting arrangement was such that Becky was next to me on my left, Emily on my right and our moms opposite us.

We ate while our moms were chatting and laughing, Becky smiling while on her phone and Emily eating while playing with her feet while I just ate in silence. 

After eating the family left and I went to my room. I closed my eyes wanting to sleep but Becky's image flashed on my mind, her smile, her cute and adorable laugh and her badass attitude. I found my self also smiling, why, I don't know.  

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