Part two

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The signing went very well.  A staff member showed me to Jonas' office since Leah and the Irish couldn't.  I took some photos with the shirt and spoke to Jonas.  He was a lovely man and made me feel very welcome to Arsenal. 

"So, Izzy did you want to meet the girls today?  I can introduce you after training." he asked politlely.

Yeah, sure Boss i would love that" I smiled.  he had already said i did'nt have to call him that but it seemed fitting to me.  After we wrapped up the photoshoot and the signing was made public on social media Jonas beckoned me to follow him.  We headed towards a pitch where i could hear the sounds of people playing.  The arsenal women were mid training.  Jonas and I sat on th bench and watched. A few curious glances were thrown at me but nobody stopped taining.  At the end Jonas stood up and approached the huddle.

"Hey girls, I want you all to meet Izzy Cooper.  She is our new signing so please make her feel very welocme.  I have scheduled a team bonding for Saturday night for Izzy to get settled in with you all" Jonas announced and with that he turned on his heel and left me with my new teamates. 

"Hi Izzy!" an excited blonde was the first to approach me, a silent brunette dragging along behind her looking tired but smiling shyly. "I'm Beth and this is Viv, my girlfriend" she announced proudly.

"Hey, its so nice to meet you" i grinned already taking a liking to Beth.  She was just so bubbly.  A second later i was engulfed in a large hug by the arsenal striker. 

Viv laughed at tis. "let her breathe Beffy" 

I just smiled. I didnt mind I already loved Beth.  After that one by one the girls approached me introducing themselves and i could already tell i would become great friends with beth, lessi and leah. However I noticed the irish woman, who i now knew was called Katie McCabe completely ignored me. 

"dude, what has she got against me" i whispered to beth as we made our way to my first team meeting ever.

"who Katie?" beth questioned. i nodded "dunno, shes lovely really just needs to warm up to you i guess". I nodded again. I dont even know why it bothered me not everyone had to like me. Besides everyone else did so it didnt make too much of a difference to me.  

The team meeting was going smoothly and as Jonas was wrapping it up he reminded us "dont forget team bonding on Saturday. Katie ur hosting arent you?" The irish nodded from the corner "yes boss"

Beth turned to me on the way out "here give me your number so i can add you to the group" she smiled kindly.  I obliged, glad to have made a mate on my first day.  


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