Part four

911 18 0

"Izzy we need to talk, come with me"

I groaned inwardly.  How stupid could i be to have just done that? I begrudginly follwed leah back to the changing rooms which were completely empty by now.

"yes leah" i sighed. I knew what was coming. A lecture.

"whats going on kiddo, talk to me yeah" she said. ok. not what i was expecting.

"nothings up leah, im fine" i didnt mean to snap, i was just in a foul mood after what  katie had said to me. 

"iz you can talk to me you know, as your teamate and as a friend" leah gave me worried eyes. Part of me wanted to let it all out, tell her how hellish my life was, but i knew i couldnt. Instead i broke down.  I couldnt help it, the tears just came.

"oh iz" she sighed immediatley pulling me in for a warm hug. 

"im so sorry le, ill tell you one day, i just dont want to talk about it right now"

"thats ok, babe just tell me whenever you're ready" she whispered into my hair. "but you must know whatever katie said back then, you cant react and lash out like that" she said sternly.

"i know leah i will apolgise" i sniffled. Whilst i felt i shouldnt apologise because she had no idea the extent of what she said, but i knew i had to for the good of the team and for me.

"im going to go home now leah" i pulled away from her embrace.

"thats ok kid, but be safe please, yeah" leah said kindly. i nodded at her. I knew i wouldnt be safe when i walked through that door but she didnt have to know that.

I arrived home as the sky was turning dark and entered the house. Weird. my dad wasnt waiting with a belt for me.  then i saw him, passed out on the couch, too drunk to function.  I quickly went upstairs and got ready for bed as it was late.  As i went to turn my light off, i heard my phone ping. 

*you were added to "Arsenal Girlies"

I quickly went through and saved people to contacts as they had all already put who they were for me in the chat, before i read the rest of the notifications.

Beffy:  Welcome to the best group ever Izzy

Lotte: for reals beth

me: lol, hi guys thanks for adding me beth

Then i got a private message off beth.

Beffy: Hey izzy, send me your adress and me and viv will pick you up tommorow for team bonding.

I hesitated, i wonder how my dad would react to seeing two lesbians. Lets just say he was more than a little homophobic but i decided i would risk it.

me: here it is *sends adress* thanks so much beffy

I knew who i had to text next. Katie.

me: hi katie, its izzy, i just wanted to apologise for slapping you i shouldnt have reacted like that.

It was only a few minutes before she replied.

Mccabe: ok

Mccabe:  lucky leah was there tho otherwise you wouldnt be walking right now

Oh, that bitch. I decided to just leave it and not get into a confrontation. I was not looking forward to tommorow.


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