Part five

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Saturday morning rolled around, and i woke up with a heavy heart.  i had to go to katies today.  I got myself up, showered and changed.  As i was walking down the stairs i felt a rough grip grab me from behind.  Oh shit.

"why did you take so long in the shower?" he demanded. I took five minutes.

"I- Im sorry dad" i muttered

"youre so ungrateful, wasting water" he delivered a sharp blow to my face. I cried out in pain falling the rest of the way down the stairs.  The next half an hour was spent me trying to protect myself as best as possible from my dad. When he was eventually done with me i just upped and left, but not before i put concealer on my body. I spent the entire day walking, just aimlesly around the local parks, and even though i was hurting so much i enjoyed it. As i was sitting ona bench my phone pinged.

Beffy: be ready for five, we'll pick you up then xx

me: ok will do xx

I looked at the time. It was 4:30. Wow today had gone quick.  I began to head home. when i arrived, dad was passed out drunk yet again. I sighed, when would my torture end? i couldnt wait for the day i could leave.  I reapplied my concealer, luckily the bruises hadnt really begun to develop yet, and i changed into some sweats and a hoodie.  My phone buzzed again. Beth was here.  I headed outside and hopped in the back of the car.

"thanks so much for taking me beffy" i smiled.

"no problem, you alright copps" 

"yeah" i laughed "where did coops come from" 

"i dont know i made it, everyone gets a nickname from me" beth announced proudly, smiling at me through the mirror.  Viv was driving at it was only 10 minutes or so to Katies.  I gulped. This was it, hopefully we would be ok with each other tonight.  The rest of the girls were alreasy there and greeted us.

"girls i have branded izzy coops from now on" beth semi shouted. Everyone laughed. I just smiled, i loved how much of a family this team was.  We were all sprawled on sofas or beanbags in the living room, watching moana.  After it finished, beth shouted excitedly, 

"hey we should play truth or dare!" everyone agreed. Oh boy this could go badly.  It  went on for  a few rounds, people drinking beers aswell so the mood was light, but nobody was drunk as we were being responsible otherwise Jona would kill us all.  Then Beth turned to me with a mischevious smile. 

"coops, truth or dare" 

"dare" i sighed. Of course beth was going to mess with me.

"hmmm." she shot katie a cheeky look. " i dare you to sit on katie's lap for the rest of the night"

"what! theres no way im doing that" i exclaimed.

"you scared, cooper, i dont bite" katie smirked at me. Man, i hated this woman. But that little smirk made my tummy go all weird. That was strange. Reluctantly, i moved onto the sofa and sat down onto katie's lap. She pulled me down onto her.  The game went on for a little onger before Leah suggested we watch a horror film Everyone hooted in agreement but i groaned quietly. I hated horror films . Katie sniggered at me.

"don't be a scaredy cat Cooper"

"shut up mccabe"  i said playfully hitting her.

"woah dont try to beat me up again" she whispered. 

"i really am sorry katie" i said. would she ever let this go?

"i am too iz, i know i shouldnt have said that"

"friends then?" i offered shyly. "since we will be seeing a lot more of each other thanks to jonas"

"friends"  she repeated.

I nestled down further into katie instinctively as the movie began. I was already scared. She whispered in my ear, her lips brushing the side of my head

" i dont mind if you need to hug me during the film, i didnt use to like horror films either" i nodded gratefully. Maybe we could be friends after all. As the movie went on, there was a jump scare and i jumped slightly on Katie. She chuckled lightly and put her arms around my waist, pulling me into her. There was that wierd feeling in my stomach again. Butterflies? It couldnt be. I didnt like Katie Mccabe did i?

AN: thanks so much for reading, please drop comments what you want to see happen next and stick around, the plot is just getting good :)

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