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My name is Monro I have been living in a mha au for about 4 years but let's go over the stuff in my life that brought me to where I am

Well first I was a fan of both undertale and mha, I even read the manga, but when I dead I remember I wished for something then I was put into the body of a dead kid who was named Monro, you can see where I got the name. Learned he killed himself because he was quirkless, family life wasn't the best dad was a drunk who would try and get as much money as he can to get alcohol but he is kind of stupid or has morals because he never sold his kid and sometimes tries to get out of drinking but normally gives up. Then "mom" she... she was not a good person, this is her normal day wake up, beat kid, leave, hook up with a man with money for the day, come home, hit kid when greeted, do drugs, degrade husband, go to sleep. ya not the type of person you want to be a mother but well she was monro's mom and now mine, but let's go to some better stuff I am in the same school and class as Midoriya and Bakugo. Yes I was bullied but here is what it would be

"Hey you fucking peace of trash when you plan to die!"

"Hmm you were saying something?"

Not the most heroic thing but normally they stop but if the don't well



Time skip 1 minute

"Someone bring him to the nurse I don't think he can process that he can't hit me"

Ya I would dodge until they get tiered, ya still not the most heroic thing but still good for me, but Midoriya doesn't really talk to me but that is normal he is the junior high age and before All might helps. And that is all, there might be stuff that I might not remember but it's ok. So now you are informed of things that are in my life but if my memory is right it is around a month before the slime incident, being truthful I thought of being All Might's disciple but remember that I made a wish hopefully past me didn't make terrible choices, I have to live with the consequences of it.

Oh ya I forgot to say how I look, well I am surprisingly 4 foot 4, I have black hair with white tips that covers my eyes but my eyes are blue. I normally wear a dark blue hood even to school, the rule is you can have one item that is not part of the uniform mine is the hood.

And that is all maybe. hmm... ya. I think

3rd pov

Monro is walking to school and currently is debating if he should do the test to get out of school, he is smart enough but the one thing that is stopping him is Midoriya, Monro wants to make sure he gets ofa but he doesn't want to be at school?

'Hmm if I went to school I can make sure that Midoriya gets ofa, but I need to figure out what the wishes were'


In front of Monro is a screen saying "wishes are now available to be used"

'Ok am I able to see my wishes or no'

"User 'Monro' can only see one wish,
Spinning, found, first wish 'One of the sans abilities and looks'. Does user 'Monro' want to have wishes claimed?


'Fuck, I will think about it at lunch I need to get to school!'

Time skip 4 hour

Monro is seen eating lunch on the roof.

"Ok so maybe I shouldn't get the wish when I am in school, my biggest worry is my looks most sans are short but well, skeletons so I will need to see if I can get out of school to do it, but then I can't confirm if Midoriya gets ofa, fuck it I will hope he gets it."

Monro gets up after eating lunch and goes to the principal's office

"Hmm yes Monro, what do you need?"

"Is it ok if I take the test to see is I can go up a year?"

"You know after you take it since the year has started, you will need to wait the rest of the year right?"

"Yes sir, I do know that."

"Ok I can get you at 4:00pm today if that is ok with you."

"Yes sir, thank you."

Monro goes out of the office and starts walking to class




Before Bakugo is done yelling he felt something hit his head, it was a pencil thrown by Monro

"You shouldn't yell to much it will damage your throat."

"Don't tell me what to do your fucking trash"

"I think I will dog."

Everyone that heard what Monro said were either trying not to laugh or scared for what the boom boy will do

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