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3rd POV

"I hope you prayed to your god."

"I am my own god."

"good. That means you won't have to explain to them how bad you were beaten"

"Come on dog, we both know you are not going to even be able to touch me"

Some of the people around them could see Monro's left eye seemed to glow a bit, izuku was one of them


Then it happened Bakugo blasted at Monro but to some people's surprise Monro dodged the explosion and flicked Bakugo on the arm, then the samething happened again but this time Monro flicked Bakugo's other arm, then again and again but each time Bakugo was flicked on his head and chest where his heart was


"To prove a point"


"That while you can't hit me but I can hit you"

"What the fuck you mean"

"Each flick was a place a villain could hit and with the 4 times I flicked you, you would be dead"

"I would of killed them before they got to me"

"Yet I can."

Monro sits in is sit which is the protagonist's sit which it in the last row next to the window

"The teacher will be here soon so you should get to your sit"

Time skipped all the way to 4:08

Monro POV

(Spoilers for up to chapter 407 of mha if you are ok with it then you can continue but if you continue and don't want to be spoiled then to bad)

I was sitting down in a room with the test most of the first page was done, but now I was on a question that unlogged a bit of info from my head 'who was the first quirk user,' ya the question wants you to answer 'Hakkō suru akago, also known as the "luminescent baby" who was born in Qing Qing City, China'. But the real answer is unknown but for one thing was clear it wasn't a baby that got a quirk some people from mid teens to early 20's where the first to get quirks even though they were seen as mutations and nothing more. Sorry rambling again, I should just put down " Hakkō suru akago is the first known user to have a quirk," I am not lying he was the first to get the term "quirk".

... the next was a question about All Might, I get that he is the symbol of peace but sooner or later there will be a new symbol of peace, let's just hope I can make it that long to see it happen... wait does my wish manifest as a quirk... a thought for later.

Time skip to 4:38 pm
3rd POV

"I am done with the test sir." Monro told the principal

"That is a bit fast are you sure you are done?"

"Yes, I could of done it last year but didn't because of some personal issues" Monro told a lie with a bit of the truth

"Ok, well I will look of it and send you a letter to tell you if you passed or not." The principal replied

"Thanks." Monro said while leaving the principal's office and going home

Time skip to 4:47 pm (sorry for the time skips I just want to get to the UA ark. Also yes I know the principal seems to nice especially since Monro is quirkless, and I get that you can say it is because he wants Monro out of the school or something like that, I really don't care)

After Monro got home he saw his dad looking a bit better with his clothes put together and a serious yet sad face

"Monro, can I talk to you a bit" dad asked him

"Is something wrong dad?" Monro asked his dad

"No nothing, just... wanted to talk to my boy" dad said while turning his head to the said

"..." both of them didn't say anything for a bit

"... I am sorry, sorry that I was not there to help you grow up, not there to protect you... I couldn't even get you a quirk" dad said and through out it tears weld up in his eyes then went down his face

"..." Monro just sat there letting his father say what he wanted to

"I... I want to be the father you deserve but anytime I try to i... I fail every single time" dad now had waves of tears going down his face

"I... i am so so sorry Mon. I know this will never be enough to make everything better. but I want to try" after he said that the room was quiet except for the father's tears hitting the wooden floor

Monro sighed "... I know dad, but at least you are trying. That is all I can ask for" Monro now had a small smile on his face

"Thank you." Dad said with a smile and tears on his face

(Ok end of junior high ark and now to the 10 months be for UA. Next chapter will most likely be when he gets his wishes so be prepared for that. And sorry for not posting for a bit just wanted this chapter to be what I wanted it to be)

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