Inner Power

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Zach's POV
School was normal ever since those people,Mando and Ender,came to look for Sydney. They did find her but not without Charell and Gia telling Freddy...
"Crap.." I mumbled as I saw the silhouettes of people come on the wall."C'mon, follow me!"
Mando,Ender, and Kira followed me through the maze of hallways.Zachary.. I heard a deep voice say.
Huh? I thought.
Zachary,Why must you fight me?He asked.
Because, You are evil...You turned my friends evil..I hate you..I answered him
But you,Zach,have so much potential in you..He said,suddenly black smoke pinned me to a wall. I heard Kira scream my name and come towards me but then was quickly grabbed by Gia and Charell.
"Oh,Stop squirming!" Charell snapped at Kira.
"Get off of her!" Ender screamed as she threw Charell across the room.
You have so much power in you...It is a shame you can't use it..
At that moment my eyes began to hurt. My vision was getting slightly blurry as I stood up.
You are you anyway?I asked as I took a step but quickly stumbled back into the lockers.
G.Freddy..He answered.
I then looked at my hands and saw they were brown,glowing. I slowly slid down the lockers and held my head.
"Zach?" Kira asked.
I looked up at her and I could tell she was scared.
"W-What?" I asked nervously.
"Your eyes.." She began."They are glowing."
"Huh?" I asked..
Is that why my eyes hurt so much?
"No time to gawk at that!" Mando snapped.
Mando and Ender ran down the steps as Gia ran to help Charell.
"They can't leave us.." Kira told me.
"Wait!" I called to Ender and Mando. "You need to help us. This is Sydney's school too..I don't she would want it falling to evil."
Mando grunted as he gave Ender Sydney's body and told her to go back to base.
"What do we need to do?" Mando asked.
"First,We need to find Golden Freddy." I said.
"Golden Freddy?" Mando said in disbelif. "That's why everyone's eyes looks like his."
"Right." Kira said as she lead us down the hall.
You fool! Don't lead him to me!G.Freddy said inside my head.
I'm sorry,but I am getting my friends back!I said to him.
He growled as he went away. I fixed my hair so it didn't hang down in my face. That didn't work.
"Still need to put it into a ponytail." Kira joked.
"Like that would happen." I said.
"I'll make it happen." Kira threatened.
We reached the cafeteria where teachers and students were crowding around G.Freddy murmers rose from the crowd Me,Mando,and Kira stood against the wall listening to the speech.
"My followers.." Golden Freddy began."It has come to me that there are two traitors in this school. We captured two of them and today,They will become one of us!!"
The crowd roared as they brought up two people with bags over their heads. When two kids,Madison and Shirley,lead them up to Golden Freddy. Golden Freddy placed his claws/finger things and unmasked the two people.
Why are you punishing them?I asked Freddy.
Because..They deserve it..Working...Planing...against me..His voice was sour.
"We ain't joining you." Micheal snapped at Golden Freddy.
"We'll fight and fight." Anthony said.
"Do you know those two people?" Mando asked.
"Yeah." Me and Kira answered.
Mando looked around and was quickly tackled by some smoke. He fell back and the smoke formed G.Freddy. He was smiling as he threw Mando down the hallway and Looked at me and Kira.
"Well,Well." He said.
He teleported away and reappeared behind Kira and threw her. He looked at me as I felt my eyes glow brighter.
"C'mon,Zachary." He said as he pinned me to the wall."Don't fight me.."
I just stared at him as I felt energy go threw my hands and shocked him.
"Ow." He joke pulling his hand away and smiling."That's was funny,child."
Suddenly a blast of Lightning hit Golden Freddy and threw him against the wall. I turned my head to see Kira with her eyes glowing. She helped me up and Mando came over and pinned Golden Freddy to the wall.
"Change everyone back.." He said.
"O-Ok.." Golden Freddy said as he teleported away a never came back.
Everyone's eyes changed back to normal just as Charell and Gia were going to pin Kira.
"Whoa.." Charell said as she held her head."What happened?"
"Long story." Kira said smiling as she explained to Gia and Charell what happened.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Mando.
"You did a great job.." He said smiling."I never saw a human fight like that.."
"Thanks!" I said cheerfully...
"Zachary, Kira,Charell,Gia...Get back to your class.." Said Ms.Hoffer.
"Ok." Kira,Charell,and Gia said as they walked up the stairs.
"See ya..." I said to Mando as he left.
"Bye." He waved to me.
I waved back smiling.
*End of Flashback*
I'm just glad everything is back to normal...

This was just to show you what happened at the school from Zach's POV. I still don't know who is going to save me..I NEED A HERO!(starts mumbling I need a Hero)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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