Halloween pt2

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The time frame for this is gonna be soo off but don't mind it. But I ignore the typos and mistakes.

———-let's begin————
Nobody's pov:  

Its been months since Halloween and they found out y/n is pregnant. They had a gender reveal and it's TWINS. They're having a boy and a girl, everyone is so happy and can't wait for the babies to get here.

Y/n's pov:
It's ten a clock at night and Bashar, Oswald and I are watching bluey when I felt the sudden urge to eat a pickle with sour cream and mustard. "You guys know what sounds so good right now?" I asked the room making them look at her.

"Pickles with mustard and sour cream. Ugh Ima go get it right now" I said moving Oswald off my stomach. I waddled to the kitchen before getting the ingredients.

In the middle of the eating the pickle I felt something run down my leg. "Umm babe...I think your kids are here to see you." I told Bashar as I took another bite of my pickle.

"Whatca mean?" He asked me as he walked in there before stopping and looking at the water on the floor. "Your fucking water broke and your worried about the fucking pickle." He asked her while running to get the hospital bag.

"Yea man. This pickle is good as fuck bro." I said making another pickle mess. Before putting them back in the fridge and getting a can of coke.

"Oswald bubba can you get mamas phone please" I asked him as I walked to grab the keys before stopping cus of a contraction.

"Yes momma" he said before grabbing it. I was given the phone and instantly called our moms.

——phone call wit y/n's mom——
"Y/n what the fuck do you it's late and I'm sleep?" Y/n's mom asked her.

"Well damn. I wanted you to watch Oswald and come to the hospital but ig the fuck not" I told her knowing she would get up in a heartbeat.

"Oooh my grand baby is coming out!" She said as she started hitting her wife to wake up.

"Sweet we're on the way send of the hospital location" she said before hanging up.

—-end of phone call—-
—phone call wit basher's mom—
"Hello son." She said

"Oh hi mom umm so like ya grand baby is on the way and we need you." I said into the phone as I walked to the car.

"Oooh baby you ain't said nothing but a word text me the hospital location pls" she told me.

"Yes ma'am I will" I told her while going to messages.

"Ok baby be careful" she said before hanging up.
—end of phone call—
"Are they on their way?" Bashar asked as we pulled up to a red light. "Yea but ngl I'm kinda hungry fr fr" I told him as they passed a Burger King.

Bashar didn't say anything and kept driving and he made a mental note to get you Burger King later. "You gon walk in and well be in there in a little ok?" He asked her as they pulled up to the hospital.

"Yea that's fine." I told him as I hopped out the car. I waddled into the hospital and went to the front desk.

"How may I help you ma'am" the lady at the desk asked me" "umm well my water just broke and I think my baby is on the way now" I told her and I felt a sharp pain again.

"Oh oh my. Um right this way sweetie" she said while grabbing a wheelchair. She rolled me to a room and helped me get on the bed.

"Umm if you see and black man with braids and a small kid with him...that's my lil family and can you send them in here pls" I asked her.

"Yes sweetie I can do that for you" she told me as she closed the door.

—three minutes later—
"Momma" Oswald called out as they walked into the room. "Bubba" I called back and I picked him up and placed him next to me.

"So how you holding up" Bashar asked me as he put the bags on the couch before sitting next to me in a chair.

"Ok but I feel like poop bro" I told him as I felt another contraction. "The contractions are getting closer and closer." I told him.

Just as I said that the doctor walked in the room with some nurses. "So we have a mommy in labor on our hands huh?" She said while walking over to me.

" bases of the cutie next to you I can assume this is not your first rodeo huh?" She said while smiling at Oswald.

I just smiled at her before wincing at the pain. "How far are your contractions apart?" She asked at she gave me a hospital dress to put on.

"Umm idk like a minute apart." I told her as I slipped the dress on. "Oh well it's almost time to start pushing. If you don't mind me asking is the father gonna be watching your son or is someone on the way?" She asked while setting things up.

"Our parents should be on the way." I told her as I gave Oswald to Bashar. "They just got here I got the text asking what room number" Bashar said.

"Ima go get them" he told me before leaving the room wit Oswald. "He seems like a good man." The doctor told me and she lifted the bed to make me sit up more.

" he is. He's the love of my life" I told her just smiling thinking about him before making a face at the pain.

She smiled before looking at at my coochie and seeing it was time for me to push. "Cassie go tell the father it's time for her to push." The doctor told a nurse.

The nurse and Bashar rushed in before putting him in the right outfit to be in the room and to cute the cord.

"Ok mum it's time to start pushing" the doctor told me and I was fully dilated. "And remember don't forget to breathe when you push ok. Don't want you passing out now." She said and she got in between my legs.

" ok one,two, three push" she told me. "FUCKKK" I said as I pushed. "Push" she said again. "AHHHHH" I yelled pushing again.

"FUCKKKK YOUR NEVER NUTTIN IN ME AGAIN NIGGA" I yelled before the first baby popped out. "It's a girl" she said before passing her to the nurse.

"Ok one last kid left mom, let's do it" the nurse told me. I nodded my head before smacking the fuck out of Bashar.

He didn't do anything and just looked at me before grabbing my hand again. " ok let's start pushing again" the doctor said.

——time skip——
"Ok one last push mom" the doctor said. "AHHHHH" I yelled before laying back down tired and sweat. "Congrats it's a baby boy mom" the doctor said before passing him to a nurse to get cleaned off.

One of the nurses passed me the girl and a few seconds later I was passed the boy. "It's time to try breastfeeding mom. Do you know how are do you want some assistance?" One nurse asked me.

"No I can do it" I told her as I help them attach to my nipples. Bashar walked out the room and brought everyone inside the room.

"Aww my baby had more babies" both of the moms said running over to look at them. "What are you gonna name them" y/n's mom asked.

"Idk we're gonna wait sometime time before naming them." I told them. Once I finished the girl stopped sucking and I handed her to Bashar so they could do skin to skin contact.

" Oswald you wanna met ya sister" Bashar asked him. He nodded before walking over to his dad to see the baby.

"Why she look like dat?" He said with a look on his face. "Get out of here lil nigga" Bashar said pushing his son's face away from them.

"Ntm on my son now. But like can you blame him. Babies is fun lookin this early." I said coming to my son's defense.
——-the end——-
I hope y'all enjoy the this part. If y'all want another part just tell me what to name the kids and I can make one but other then that I hope y'all have a amazing day or night wherever you are😘

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