(second) best friend

30 3 8

i finally understand

what they mean about

first and second choices

youre my best friend

and i guess i thought

i was yours

but its not true

just because you say it

i can taste the lies

even when the thought

hasnt yet traveled to my tongue

trying not to be jealous

feeling guilty for failing

but it hurts

when time and time again

im always forgotten

left out and left behind

and i swear im not bitter

i just wish

you would have told me

instead of letting me figure it out

all alone in a bathroom stall

as your laugh

echoes around these empty walls 

you say im your best friend

but wouldnt a best friend

be the person you go to first

if im really yours

then i guess 

that must not be how it works anymore

good thing you dont read what i write 

so i can still pretend not to feel

the knife you threw into my back

already walking away 

but the pain is still so fresh and real

at least i know now

even if you dont

even if you wont admit it

ive never been your best friend

ill always just be second

second best

and she will always be first 


date written: november 21, 2023

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