Crush (4)

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Simon P.O.V

These past two days that I've spent with Wilhelm has proven to me that he isn't the snobby brat I thought he was. If anything, he was the opposite. Wilhelm ended up sitting with me for the next week. We sat together every day at lunch and in the mornings, and we would talk the entire time during the classes we had together. It made sense that we were hanging out so much, I mean I was his first real friend here. He had one other friend, but he doesn't really hang out with her, they were friends in pre-school but that was years ago, and he hasn't talked to her sense. Her name is Felice, and I was sure she had a crush on him. Am I slightly jealous? maybe. But aside from that, Spending time with him was everything I needed to keep my mind off what had happened last weekend.


"It doesn't matter Simon; you still owe me money!"

"I know, and I'll get it to you! I just need more time." I yelled back at him.

"Well, you better make it quick, or I'll tell Sara that you've been visiting me."

"How would you do that? You don't know where we live, or where we go to school. You have nothing, father." I laughed a bit with this sentence with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh, but how do you know that? I could easily track your mother down and find out everything." I knew this was not true.

"Thats real bullshit because if you were able to find our location, you would have already, and you would've come back and hurt mom."

"It doesn't matter Simon, all that matters, is my money!" He was yelling really loudly. God, I hated my dad. I do hate my dad. I will always hate my dad.

"I'll get it to you by next week." And I stormed out of the building, picking up my pace to get away from him.

(End of flashback)

I still needed to get that money to him. If I don't figure out how to get that money, Sara or mom could get hurt again, and I can't risk that. I was thinking about this while I was in math. I do well in math, but that doesn't mean I like it. I sat there and stared at the clock as time mindlessly passes by, until class was over. When the bell rang, I quickly grabbed my backpack and left the depressing room. I picked up my speed as I normally do in the hallways and made my way to the cafeteria. I went over to the same table I sat at every day and got in the lunch line. While I was waiting in the line, I looked over to my table to see Wille sitting there with his lunch as he unpacked it. I grabbed my sad tray of pizza that was soggier than a normal pizza, even if it was drenched in water. I skipped grabbing a milk or any fruit, as I had my own water bottle in my backpack. I walked over to my table and was greeted by Wille.

"Where is Rosh and Ayub?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I never saw them sit down" He replied after swallowing a mouth full of food.

"Huh, weird. I guess it's just you and me then." He smiled at me, and I began to eat my lunch. We didn't talk for only like 20 seconds, but it felt like 20 minutes. He seemed to be flushed at the face, which caused me to worry that he saw my bright pink cheeks as we both sat there until Wille started to speak, but then was interrupted by some girl, who walked over to our table and randomly sat on Wille's lap. Who was this girl? Was she his- girlfriend? She had blonde hair that was pulled up into space buns, with purple streaks running through random parts of her strands. She wore leggings, along with a cropped shirt, and sneakers. Wille looked unpleased and surprised.

"Uhm, can I help you?" He seemed so uncomfortable with this situation.

"Hey Mr. Princeee!"

"Could you get off my lap?" And he nudged her off. She called out to the entire cafeteria.
"Hey everybody!! the prince is letting all the girls sit on his lap! Who wants a "free joyride!?" The look of terror appeared on Wille's face, and he started cursing at the girl who said just yelled at the cafeteria as a bunch of girls start walking towards him. I stand him and start yelling at the girl as well. Before we knew it, we are surrounded by girls all trying to sit on Wille's lap. There are a bunch of girls swarming us and there are about five on Wille himself, with two sitting on his lap and the other three trying to touch his hair, his face, his-everything. Wille seems like he's being tortured and tells them all to get off, until he forcefully shoves them off of him, and escapes the round of girls. I follow him out of the girls, and rush towards him as he speeds to the bathroom. There were girls touching him, trying to get him horny or something. He gets into the bathroom as I follow him, and our lunch still just sits out there. I walk in to see him aggressively rubbing his chest, as if he's on the verge of a panic attack, and then he splashes his face with the sink water. I walk over to him speak.

"Are you okay?!" I come straight up to him, and I almost touch his back, but I stop myself as I'm guessing you wouldn't want anyone touching you after lots of people were touching you everywhere. He doesn't reply as he's still drying his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I think so." He does not seem okay.

"What was that?" I crossed my arms behind my back and leaned up against the wall, while he stands about a foot away from me.

"I-I don't know." His breathing increased.
"Can I touch you?" This question probably sounded rather odd. He responded with a short "Yeah" And he started breathing really heavy before I pulled him into a tight hug, and we stood there for a second while we counted his breaths, until it came back to a normal pace.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah. Yeah. How did you know how to do that?"

"I used to have mini panic attacks like that too, so I learned the best way to deal with them." We were out of the hug at that point, and we were just staring at each other. What just happened out there seemed so quick, but so much happened in that short time frame.

"Thank you, Simon." He smiled at me, and I felt as if someone lifted me up into the air, and I was now floating on a cloud. I smiled back at him.

"You're welcome Wille." I don't know if I've ever called him Wille out loud before.
"How about we skip the rest of school, and just hang out in your dorm?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." And for some reason as we left, we held hands, which I didn't even realize until we were almost there, and when I did, I think I almost died right then and there. When we got there, I borrowed some of his clothes, and we decided to watch a movie. I think it's been confirmed, I surely, most definitely, have a big fat crush on the prince.

(A/N: CLIFFHANGERRR! I just realized that I think I have been using Crown Prince, instead of just prince for Wille so if I did, I want you to just erase that from your memory cause Erik is still alive- 😃I'm going to go back and change it after I post this- 😓 but the next chapter should be out within the next couple weekss 😙)

(Word count: 1347)

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