Back to the Encanto Pt. 1

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Mirabel's POV

Everyone had been walking for 3 days. We were still following the light, every night we'd find the safest place to sleep and regain energy. It was tough, but we refuse to give up. And if anyone falls behind, we help them get back up. Because no one gets left behind. 

I see a baby calf had fallen, so, along with the help of the calf's owner, we helped it back onto its feet, as it quickly went to its mother. The farmer, 'Lunelle' turned to me "Gracias Mirabel." I smile, "No problem." Lunelle smiled at me, "You truly are a kind soul" She then walked back to her herd of cows, as I sighed, 'Well, I'm a lousy excuse of a 'good soul...' I look at my hands, 'What kind of 'good soul' just let's their town get taken over, causing lots of people; People they love and care about, to get hurt badly.'  I hug myself, 'I'm never going to be good enough...' I look around, 'Not for my town, not for the Mendez's, not for Melisia, especially not for-' "Mirabel." I turn to see Bianca. I quickly out on a smile, "Oh! Hey Bianca!" She walked next to me, "What's wrong?" I smirk and roll my eyes, "Wrong? Oh, there's nothing wrong! I'm perfectly fine! Totally!" Bianca stared at me. It's hard to tell what she's thinking; Mostly for the part that her hair covers her eyes. "Don't lie Mirabel, I know somethings wrong. Do not deny it." I chuckle nervously, "Well I kinda have to deny it, because I am fine!" Bianca sighed, making my smile slightly falter. "Mirabel." I look at her, "Yeah?" She stared at me, "It's not your fault." I chuckle, "I know." She continued, "It's not your fault." I stared at her confused, "I know" She stopped me, "No, no, Mirabel. It's not your fault." I avert my gaze, "Oh don't do this to me Bianca, not you Bianca." She continued, "It's not your fault." I glare at her slightly, "Come on, cut it out Bianca!" She held my hands. "Its. not. your. fault" I sigh. "I know that Bianca, it just... Feels like it sometimes." Bianca let go of my hands, "I understand that, Mira. But you cannot just keep silent about your feelings." I continue to walk. "I just-!" I sigh, "I don't want to... Bother anyone." Bianca walked beside me. "Mira. You will never bother anyone here by talking about how you feel." I remain silent. Bianca continued, "Mirabel ever since you and Bruno came here, everybody knew that you two had been through a lot. But you survived it and came back stronger. Everybody here respects you both.  We all care about you and Bruno a lot. I don't know exactly what happened between you and... The Madrigals. But you survived it, and your here now. You and Tio Bruno. Thats all that matters." I can't help but smile, "Thank you Bianca" Bianca looked at me and smiled, which was really rare for her to do, "Any day, Mira." We both smile at each other before Andres ran up to us and gasped, "YO! TIO ESTEBAN, BIANCA'S SMILING GET THE CAMERA!" 

*Time skip* 

I was helping everyone set up small tents, when I see Bruno sulking. I finish helping an elderly couple and walk over to him. "Hey Tio Bruno..." He jumped slightly, "O-Oh! Hey Mirabel" I smile, "Are you okay? You look upset."  Bruno smiled nervously, "Me? Upset? Please!" I raise an eyebrow. Bruno sighed, "Okay. I am upset." I smile "Do you wanna talk about it?" Bruno smiled slightly, "Yeah. Thanks Mirabel." He sighed, "It's just... I feel guilty" I tilt my head slightly, "Why would you feel guilty?" Bruno rubbed his temple, "I just- I just feel like all of this happened because of me, you know?" He looked at the ground "Maybe If I did more visions, I would've saw all of this happening, and have done something to prevent it." I frown. 'Why would he blame himself? How would he have even- Wait. That's exactly what I did. Blame myself' I sigh. "Tio Bruno." He looked back at me, "By that logic you must also blame everyone else too. Since they could have also figured out the invaders were coming" Bruno looked shocked. "What? No! How would they have even known?" I cross my arms. "Yet you blame yourself?" Bruno looked surprised, "Oh." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah you have a point there" I smile, "I know" He smiled back, and I place a hand on his shoulder. "Tio Bruno, you shouldn't blame yourself for things out of your control" He frowned, "But I could've-" I cut him off, "But nothing. You couldn't have known any of this would've happened. Because I know, that if you did know you would tell us right away. Because you're a good person Tio." He smiled, I continued, "And I also know I'm not the only one here who thinks that." I wave at some of the townspeople, and they greet us with waves and kind smiles. I look back at Bruno, "What I'm saying is, don't blame yourself for things you didn't cause. Okay?" He nodded, "Okay. Thank you, Mira," I hug him, "No problem, Tio Bruno" He hugged me back. I take a step back. "I hope you feel better, Tio Bruno" He smiled, "I do. I really do." I nod. "Yeah. Anyways, it's getting late. I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Bruno nodded. "See you tomorrow" I waved goodbye to him and went over to the tent I was sharing with Melisia. I walk inside the tent, and smile seeing Melisia was awake and reading. She looked up and smiled, "Hi, honey." I chuckle softly, "Hi, sweetheart" I sit down next to her, as she closed the book and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. We both lay down, as there was some momentary silence. "Mira?" "Yeah?" I look at her. "Mira, do you think we'll find the place we're looking for in time?" I think for a second, before I smile, "Of course. Why do you ask?" She shrugged, "I don't know, I just..." She sighed, "I just wanted a second opinion?" I raise an eyebrow, "That's not the only reason." Melisia softly chuckled. "You know me so well." I smirk, "Well we have been dating for 4 years" Melisia nodded, "Fair point" We both laughed. "So, what's the real reason?" Melisia sighed, "Well... It's just, it's taking so long to get there. I'm just..." I finished the end of the sentence for her, "Worried?" She nodded, "Yeah..." I held her hand gently "Meli. I've known this town for 5 years." She looked at me, "I know." I continued, "And that has given me time to know everyone. And you know one thing that everyone here has in common?" She smiled, "What?" I smile back, "Determination. They never give up. They keep going until they reach their goals. And I know that everyone will hang on until we find our new home. Because their tough as nails, and they have the determination of a fierce tiger!" I poke her playfully, making her laugh. There was silence for a few seconds, "Thank you for that, Mira." I smile warmly, "It's no big deal" We hug each other. There was more silence, until Melisia piped up. "Mira." "Yeah?" She smiled, "I'm happy I met you. And Tio Bruno" I smirk. "You called him Tio~" She laughed, "I guess I'm not the only one who see's someone has family" We both laughed, "Goodnight Meli" "Goodnight Mira" We both fell asleep. 

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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