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"Hey, has Kota called you back yet? I'm starving." Luna asks no one in particular. But when no one answers, she asks again. "Hello? Did Dakota call someone or not?"

I look away from the textbook to face my friend. "Can you stop being a hungry fuck for a second? I'm trying to study."

She scoffs. "Well it's not my fault she said she was gonna take twenty minutes then took almost an hour."

"Luna, do you know how bad traffic is right now in the city? Chill out, she's probably on the way with the pizza right now." I roll my eyes and turn back to my textbook.

"You don't know that! She could be hanging out with one of her other friends at this point. What if she never even got that pizza?" She asks herself.

"Enough with the pizza Luna!" Maddie finally speaks, sitting up on the couch and pulling her attention from the book she's reading.

That's probably why she's so upset.

"Stop being a fucking fatass." She mutters under her breath before sticking her nose back in the book.

Suddenly the doorbell rings throughout the house and guess who's the first on up?

By the time I look up, Luna is out my door and I'm guessing to see who rang the bell.

I look back down at my textbook and almost cry at these damn formulas. I mean come on? Who's idea was it to add the whole damn alphabet in math? They need to be thrown in prison.


"Seven! It's for you!" Luna shouts from downstairs. I groan dramatically loud, slam my textbook closed and roll off of my bed.

"What's happening?" Maddie asks, once again leaving her 'very interesting' book. She watches me almost fall off the bed and instead of asking if I was okay, she asked me again.

"Can I be okay first? Damn." I stand up fully and roll my shoulders back. "Luna said someone was at the door for me. Wanna come find out?"

"Yeah sure." She shrugs and gets up from the couch in my bedroom. Maddie follows me out the door and down the stairs where we meet Luna.

She sighs. "Finally! I was about to yell at you again!"

I roll my eyes and walk past her and towards the door. I open the door back up and I'm met with a tall blonde guy I've never seen before.

"Yes?" I ask, slightly leaning against the door.

I watch the guy's eyes move up and down my image though I'm not bothered by it in the slightest. Instead, I wait for him to notice I've noticed his wandering eyes.

"I-I—crap." He clears his throat and looks away from me for a moment. "I just moved into that house next to yours a-and I found this."

Immediately when I see the red diary, I snatch it away from him. He looks at me in shock because I guess my reaction isn't what he expected.

𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now