chapter one.

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I need sex.


Maybe, just maybe I could pull someone by their tie and pull them into the janitor's closet with me. God, I'm so desperate I'd fuck on school premises.

"I want that guy." Marley points to a shirtless guy who's playing a game of basketball. I narrow my eyes and inspect him. Gorgeous body. Charming face. He simply looks like every girl's dream man.

But not mine.

That's Alex Macher. One of the school's heartthrobs. He has a great face and he's really good at basketball. But his personality ruins it all for him. I mean he's perfect until he opens that mouth of his.

"He's sexist. He doesn't believe women belong on this fucking planet." I roll my eyes once he looks over here. Oh great, he saw me.

He's been trying to get a night with me again. I wouldn't like to admit it, but I did have a steamy night with him when we were both high out of our minds, and he was good.

But when a guy believes that women are practically useless, you wouldn't want anything to do with them. But Alex doesn't get that through his stupid brain.

"Good luck. He'll fuck you into oblivion then tell you you're a waste of his time." Alex never said that to me, but I have heard it from other girls that have had a night with him.

"Good thing it's not a forever thing." She mutters as he finally reaches us. Marley puts on her best smile but I don't. I don't like him and I don't have to act like I do. "Hey Alex."

He sends a smirk her way, making me roll my eyes at him for the second time in five fucking minutes. He looks over at me with a grin.

But I tell him off before he opens his mouth. "I'm not interested, Alex. For the thousandth time."

"Yeah, whatever. Just pretend like I haven't gave you the fucking of your life, Luna. You're missing out." He shrugs, sends a wink to Marley before jogging back over to his basketball buddies.

What a joke. He acts as if he's a big shot. I could find hundreds of guys that could rock my world and trust me because I have. Which means he's not the only one. I really wish his brain was a big as his—

"Nevermind about Alex. I think that one is more your type, Lu." I divert my eyes to where she's obviously pointing at. "He's cute."

I'm looking ahead at a guy who's playing a game of football. The back of his head at that. But from that angle I can tell he's quite in shape. And it arouses me.

"All I see is a very muscular back, Mar." I turn back to her with a frown. "Not saying that the back wasn't hot but—"

"Will you stop talking and look?" She grabs my face and turns it back into the direction of the football game. I search for the guy and just when I find him, he finally turns around.

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