Chapter One-The Chaperone

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"Alright, class! Quiet Coyote now! Quiet Coyote! We've got some things to go over before we get started on our little field trip!" The teacher claps her hands as she stands across from her three students, all three immediately turn to her in attention.

"Today we're gonna be having a special little field trip! As you can see, we're in what's called a ghost town. This particular town is very prone to cursed spirit infestations, making us a regular visit for us Sorcerers!" She explains to the class, getting mixed reactions as only one student actually wanted to be there.

One of the students timidly raises her hand, visibly shaking in her shoes as she looks around.

"M-Ms.Morimoto...C-Can I s-sit this one o-out...Scary ghost towns aren't good for m-my h-health..." she audibly gulps as she embraces herself in her arms in an attempt to calm herself down, though not proving too effective.

Ms.Morimoto laughs loudly as she responds, "Hahaha! Nonsense, Yuzuka! If you leave now your grade's drop a whole letter grade!" She answers the scared student, her face turning a sheet of white at her teacher's response, nearly causing her to faint then and there.

Another hand immediately raises, the almost too excited boy jumping into the air to get his teacher's attention.

"Oi! How many cursed spirits are here?! I've been ITCHING to finally be able to get some real practice in for my Cursed Technique! These two bozos here are a buncha wet towels!" The angry bot scowls at his two classmates, Yuzuka still holding herself back from fainting as his other classmate just looks at him with a blank expression, reaching up to cover his eyes with his Stetson hat.

Ms.Morimoto giggles and walks over to ruffle his hair, "Now now, Ritsu, the aim of this field trip isn't to see who can exorcise the most cursed spirits, but the goal is to see how well you guys will do without my direct supervision!" She explains to the three of them, with Ritsu giving a wicked smirk at the thought of finally not having her look over his shoulder constantly.

She then finally looks over to the try order classmate, reaching over to lift his hat up a bit so that she can look him in the eye, "Anything from you, Andy?" She asks.

In response, Andy just steps back a bit and lowers his hat again, nodding his head no.

"Alright! If nobody has any more questions...." Ms.Morimoto pulls out a popper and holds it up into the air, "Go get 'em, class!" She pops the popper and immediately Ritsu dashes off in one direction with Andy walking in the opposite direction.

This leaves just one more student left, young Yazuku who's still trembling in place, her skin a ghost white as her teeth audibly chatter.

Ms.Morimoto gently approaches her, and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Go on now, Yuzuka. You'll be okay, trust me" She gives her a simple smile and places a hand on her back, softly urging her to start heading deeper into the town.

Her knees weak, arms heavy, and the feeling of vomit in her stomach already, Yuzuka slowly and shakily starts walking ahead...


Once her three students have left, Sazuku looks up at me and gives me a thumbs up, signaling me to start looking for them.

"She's lucky I owe her a lot..." I say to myself as I stomp out my cigarettes atop this roof.

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