Chapter Three-The Students

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The rain pours down onto the windows, staining them with fog and dew as I look outside from the corner of the room. A soft, somber melody fills the tense air as everyone else stands in silence, mourning the loss of someone they cared for so deeply. Friends, family, and students all arrived to pay homage to their mentor and friend; each of them dressed in black, somber clothing even though it isn't what she would've wanted.

"I shouldn't have showed up..." I mumble to myself as I reach into my pocket to pull out a cigarett.

"Now, now, Kouji darling~ You know you aren't allowed to smoke in a funeral!~" My eyes widen a bit at the familiar voice that comes from my right.

My head immediately swivels to the right as I locate the speaker. Her extremely long, deep blue dress, that stands out like a sore thumb amongst all the black dresses and suits, drags across the floor behind her. Her long, slender legs slipping through the slits of her dress as she struts towards me.

"Saotome..." I mumble as she approaches, looking at her mature, beautiful face that holds her thin glasses, her beauty mark just above the left corner of her lip that helps highlight her deep red lipstick, "I'm surprised you actually showed up...with you being busy with your work across the country and all that..." I say to her, trying to avoid eye contact.

She lets out a fake offended huff as she reaches her hand out to caress my chin, making my stubble tingle from the touch, "How rude!~ Of course I'd cancel everything for this!~" She says with her usual sultry ton.

She leans in even closer to me, her velvety short, black hair dropping a bit across her forehead as she lightly grips my chin.

"Plus, I knew you'd need someone right now~" She then takes the cigarette from my mouth and puts it in her own, not even lighting it up as she moves in closer.

I quietly stare at her before pushing her away a bit, looking away back out the window.

"We aren't teenagers anymore, Saotome...I don't have time for this...for you..." I grumble as I take the cigarette out of her mouth.

She chuckles a bit before grabbing me by my tie and forcibly turning myself back towards her, "No, but everyone needs time to grieve and heal, to relieve themselves of this stress, even me~. So why don't we do it together?~ We were classmates after all~" She then pulls me closer and leans up into my ear, whispering to me, "I missed you, Kou~" she tops it off by blowing into my ear a bit, sending a shiver down my spine as she calls me by an old nickname she used back when we were younger.

I stand there in silence for a bit before pulling away from her, "Fine...but just drinks..." I give in, already knowing where this night will lead despite what I say.

"Of course, just drinks~" She giggles as she bites her lower lip...


I stare at the pure white ceiling, the moon casting itself into the dark bedroom as its only source of light as I lay in bed. I reach my hand over to the bedside table and reach for my cigarette pack, desperately needing one after the day, and night, I've had. Just as I bring a cigarette to my mouth, it gets smacked from my hand and flies across the room.

"No need for that, you'll get all the stress relief you'll need as the night goes on~" Saotome playfully pinches my chest as she rolls back atop me, straddling my waist as our bodies are covered by her velvet red blanket.

Her finger traces circles along my torso, her well kept nail leaving small scratch marks on me as I just blankly look up at her. She then takes both her hands and gently grabs the side of my face, cupping my face as she leans down close so that our faces are mere inches away from each other.

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