Chapter Two-The Teacher

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"For the last damn time, I'm not heeding the call of those old bastards, I'm not their little toy" I firmly state as I exhale smoke from my mouth

"I do deeply apologize, Mr.Emori, but I'm afraid that you need to at least-" I cut the representative off, putting my phone back into my pocket and tilting my head back as I take another drag of my cigarette as I sigh to myself.

"The higher ups again?" A familiar voice calls from behind me

Turning my head back, I of course see Sazuku walking up to me with that usual soft expression of her's.

"Who else...?" I stomp out my cigarette as I turn to her.

She gives me a soft smile, reaching up to fix some strands of my hair.

"What was it this time?" She tries to lighten the mood a bit for me

"Something about that Gojo kid, I didn't stay on the line enough to really hear what it was" I shrug

She frowns a bit at what the request could be, "Ah, well the higher ups have been real uppity ever since the...incident with Geto Suguru..." she says, trying not to think about it too much

"They wholeheartedly believe that Gojo will turn next considering the two were...close, to say the least" I tilt my head back to lay it against the wall behind me.

There's a short silence between the two of us, only filled by the distant noise of people chattering and car engines buzzing.

"Well, I only hope that they actually let me retire already! I'm already working things out with them to be able the retire after this year..." she hollowly laughs a bit to herself; she then reaches over to me and ruffles my hair like a kid a bit, "Cause unlike them, I'm happy with letting the next generation take my place" she softly smiles at me.

"Yeah...It's rare for a sorcerer to be able to retire, I'm glad you're one of them..." I go to take out another cigarette from my pack, but it's quickly snatched from my hand.

"Hey, keep smoking so much and you'll croak before I do!" She gives me a stern look before laughing a bit, pocketing the pack in her work bag, "Come on, the bus is all fueled up and ready to go!" She nods her head to the bus as she starts walking ahead of me

Without another word, I just roll my eyes as I fix my hair, following behind her back to the bus...


The bus pulls up a block away from the abandoned studio, Ms.Morimoto stands up as the bus comes to a stop, turning around and clapping her hands to gather the attention of her students.

"Alright, class! One, two, three, eyes on me please!" She waits for a moment for mainly Ritsu to settle down so that she can speak, "Alright! The purpose for this side trip will only be visual for you three! You are not to interfere with the exorcism in any way shape or form, understand!" As she says that, she mainly looks over at Ritsu, clearly specifically talking about him.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever!" He scoffs and slumps in his seat more.

"Good! Now, as you're watching, I want all three of you to take notes! Take your notebooks and write down how you could improve your one skills by watching me fight a 1st grade" she hands all three of them colorful notebooks and pencils, "I WILL be collecting these for extra credit at the end, so at least try to write something down" she once again mainly looks at Ritsu as she says that.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME, OLD HAG! I'LL DO IT!" He shouts in defense as he snatches the notebook from her.

"Great! Now everyone get into a single file line and follow the leader!" She instructs as everyone steps out of the bus.

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