Chapter Four-The Cursed

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Brick and concrete crumble out of the way of the cursed spirit as it makes its escape, using its many arms to crawl and sludge its way through the empty streets as it scurries far away from its spawn. The curtain that keeps it cages crumbling away as it sludges into an alleyway to regain its senses.

"Domain Expansion..." it suddenly hears from above.

As its giant eye shoots upwards in an instinctual attempt to save itself, its pupil only dilates as it sees a now perfectly baby blue sky, compared to the light gray sky it originally was in.

"World Anew~" the calming, almost sensual voice finishes.

The cursed spirit finds itself in what seems like an endless body of water, that same baby blue sky now seemingly endless as the only thing to fill it is what seems like the moon. Then, the moon slowly starts to speed up more and more, somehow revolving in a circle around this seemingly endless plane.

The cursed spirit tries to look away, but it finds itself being unable to look away from the revolving moon. The reflection of the moon rapidly appearing and disappearing in its eye as it just stares silently back, lost in a hypnotic trance.

"I'm so glad you've finally hatched~" is all it's able to hear before its vision turns to black....


"Now this is more like it!" Ritsu shouts as he charges headfirst into the fight.

The cursed spirit raises its gangly arm and swings it at Ritsu, only for him to easily jump over it and connect a hit straight into its stomach, sending it sliding back a bit.

"Oohhhh no...oh man, I can't take this anymore!" Yuzuka cries as Andy stands in front of her protectively, "I didn't even wanna be here!!"

"It's fine, just let Ritsu handle it-" his attempts at reassurance are cut off by Kouji.

"If either of you just stand there the whole time, I'll hold you back for the entire year and make you do this all over again next year." He threatens, a dead serious look on his face letting them know that he's seemingly not lying.

Andy pauses for a moment before glancing back at Yuzuka apologetically.

"Sorry..." Is all he says before he rushes in after Ritsu.

"Good, hold them back! Maybe if they get an extra year of schooling they might just be able to match a fraction of my potential!" Ritsu laughs, extremely hyped up from this fight.

Andy slides under a gangly leg that swings at him by the cursed spirit, lighting up his fist with cursed energy and landing a blow into its thigh; sending it a bit into the air and lining it up for Ritsu to land another blow into its chest.

Meanwhile, as the two continue to fight, Kouji watches the two, but especially keeps an eye on Yuzuka who's currently crying on her knees and shaking like a wet rat.

"Something about her technique is off...I've got a theory, but if I'm correct, then I understand why information about her has been kept highly confidential..." he thinks as he stares at Yuzuka through his peripheral vision.

A loud screech then fills the air, dust and dirt kicks up as the cursed spirit is hit with a duel attack by Ritsu and Andy, who despite their differences, have quite the chemistry when fighting together. Its large, puke yellow, gangly body flies through the air and directly towards Yuzuka, who lets out a near bloodcurdling scream at the sight.

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