Caring boyfriend (Taehyung)

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You slowly open your eyes and look at your side to see your cute boyfriend sleeping hugging you tightly with his one hand on your waist and the other one under your head. His face was snuggling into your neck and you can feel his warm breath on your neck making you shiver. You slowly try to remove his hands. After struggling for some time, you got out of his grip.

You kissed his forehead and gave him a peck on his lips. And then you went to freshen up.

Your POV,

I am Park Y/N, girlfriend of Kim Taehyung and a shy girl. He is the richest CEO in Korea. He is also known as cold beast and is famous for his cold and handsome face. He is cold to others but he is the most sweetest and the most caring when it comes to me.

We met on a blind date which was set up by his best friend Park Jimin and my best friend, Jennie. It was so awkward because he was not saying a single thing and I was also an introvert so I also said nothing but Jennie and Jimin, both of them forced us to go on another blind date. And like this we went to so many dates and started to grow feelings for each other and then after being in relationship for 5 years, we now finally move in together just 2 months before.

Time Skip,

After doing your morning routine, you went downstairs to prepare breakfast. You were preparing breakfast when you felt two arms wrapping around your waist and someone back hugged you making you flinch a little. You turn around and saw Taehyung was the one back hugging you and he also put his chin your shoulder. 

Taehyung: Good Morning *deep voice*

You felt butterflies hearing his deep voice. The "morning him" is so sexy to you. Messy hairs, eyes closed and his deep voice which gets more deep after waking up. 

You wished him back and again started to focus on preparing breakfast rather than focusing on him. He gave you a peck on your left cheek. Your face bloomed like a cherry blossom. He loves to make you blush and never lose any chance to do that. Taehyung was awake now but was still pretending to be asleep. He thought to tease you a little and gave you a long peck on your neck and you look like twin of tomato. 

You: Taehyung let me prepare breakfast for both of us.

Taehyung whined and hugged you more tightly. You sighed and started to do your work. After you finished preparing breakfast, you told Taehyung to leave you now. But he turned you around.

Taehyung: Where is my morning kiss, darling??

You gave him a peck on lips.

Taehyung: I have to tell you the difference between a kiss and a peck.

Saying this he kissed you on your lips slowly and roughly. After 5minutes, you hit on his chest indicating him that you can't breath anymore and after giving a long peck, he finally left your lips.

Now you started to take dishes to dining and he also helped in setting the dishes for breakfast. They started doing their breakfast.

Taehyung: I took a leave today so what's your plan??

You: You should have told me about this yesterday so that I could make some plans.

Taehyung: Then let's go on a date and then have a movie night, tonight??

You: Sounds good to me.

After they were done eating, Taehyung decided to do to the dishes and you went to change your clothes. You were feeling slight pain in your stomach from morning but ignored it and now it's paining more. Your period date was near so you thought to check and yes it was your periods. You groaned and clean up yourself. When you came out of the bathroom , you saw Taehyung was already ready and now he was checking some files. You don't want to ruin your plan but you also know that the pain will be so much after sometime that it will be difficult for you to walk a few steps only so there was no choice other than cancelling the date. 

You were walking towards him slowly because the pain is so much. You were about to call him but a cramp hit you so hard that you screamed "Ahhh" painfully. Taehyung who was completely focused on his work, looked at you worried after hearing your painful scream. He saw you were about to fall so he ran towards and hold you in his arms. 

Taehyung: Baby, what happened to you?? Love, please tell me. *worried*

You: It's paining so bad Tae.

Taehyung: Where is it hurting baby??

You: It's cramps Tae. I am sorry but I don't think that we can go on a date today.

Taehyung: Why are you saying sorry baby?? It's not your fault.

He picked you up and made you lay on the bed and covered you with the comforter. 

Taehyung: I will make some soup for you. Rest here baby.

You nodded and Taehyung went to prepare soup for you. After 15 minutes, he came back with a tray on which the soup bowl is placed. He entered the room and saw you crying while holding your stomach and you were curled up like a ball. He put the tray on the table and ran towards you.

Taehyung: Why don't you take painkillers babe??

You: They are finished and I forgot to buy new ones.

Taehyung: I will be back in sometime.

Without waiting for your reply, he went out and after half an hour he came back in the room with two bags in his hands.

You: What's in these bags Tae??

Taehyung: Some snacks for you, chocolates, pads and painkillers.

You know that this is not the first time he is doing all this but you being on your periods can not control your emotions and started crying making him worried.

Taehyung: Jagiya why are you crying now??

You: You are so sweet Tae, I am so lucky to have you.

Taehyung: No baby, I am so lucky to have you. Now let me heat your soup again and the you will take the painkillers, okay??

You: *nodded*

And the whole day, he took care of you like you are a baby. He pampered you so much and not even let you put your feet on ground. And then you both live happily ever after.

This is my first time writing a oneshot so please ignore my mistakes. You can also give me some suggestions for the next oneshot.

Hope you will like this.

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