Bad Boy and His Innocent Girl (Namjoon) Part 2

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You are now sitting in a cafe, waiting for Namjoon. It's been 5 years that you both are in a relationship. You still remember the day he proposed you in front of whole school. Yuri's face was the funniest that day and that was also her last day in that school. 


You came to school after a week as Namjoon did not allow you to step out of your room until you got completely recovered. And you are happy as today you can finally get out of your room. When you reached school, it was so silent unlike every other day. You confirmed from guard that there was no holiday today. The hallways were also so silent, only 2 or 3 students can be seen. When you reached your classroom, you saw no one was there. Usually by the time you reach to school, there will be so many students in the hallways and also half of your classroom will also be filled but today it was so unusual. You were getting scared now, one of your friend came running to you.

Mira: *breathing heavily* Y/N come with me to the basketball court.

You: What happened?? Is everything alright?? And where is everyone??

Mira: Don't tell me you forgot??

You: What??

Mira: Today the students of our rival school came here and now Namjoon and his gang and those students are fighting.

You: But how can they enter in our school??

Mira: You did not come for a week so you don't know that there was a sports meet.

You: What??? I missed such an important event!!!!! But there was no notice for sports meet.

Mira: That we also don't know but our principal said that it is a surprise event. Now come with me quickly. Namjoon will kill them, only you can stop him now.

You were about to say something but Mira held your hand and started running to basketball court. You were confused, a surprise sports meet??, Namjoon and his gang fighting with rival school's students?? What in the world is happening today?? When you reached there, you saw every student present there have a flower in his/her hands and that too different one. One of them came to you and handed you the flower and told you to go forward. Whenever you take a step, you will get a flower from one of the students and like this you reached to the end. 

The last two students standing were covering what was ahead. They smiled at you and gave you the flowers, by now your hands are full of flowers. When they both got away, all the lights were turned off. You were about to shout but suddenly the lights were focused on one place and there you saw, the man of your life, Namjoon standing on one of his knees with a bouquet of roses in his hands, there were so many different colors of roses. You put the other flowers on the table beside you, don't know from where it came but that's not your concern now.

You slowly walked to him and he gave you the bouquet. He pulled out a ring and smiled at you and said,

Namjoon: Y/N, I may be a bad boy who do not fear anyone and was never nervous but today I am so nervous for the first time in life. I prepared a complete speech on this but now I don't remember a single word but I will say my true feelings. I don't know how, where, when and why but I fell in love with you. I love you so much Y/N, more than my life. I want to spend my whole life with you. I want to laugh with you, cry with you, being sad and happy with you, share my everything with you, talk with you, play with you, tease you and do my everything with you. And I want to do these with you my whole life. Not for one day or two days or some weeks but for my whole life and all the next lives too, I want to be yours and want to make you mine. So will you, my love, allow me, to walk with you till the end??

He said with so much hope in his eyes. You were crying by now.

Namjoon: Why are you crying my love?? If you don't want to accept then also it's fine. I will not force you for this.

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