Their wife (ot7)- part 1

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You were climbing down the stairs, taking small steps, being careful. You were in the middle of the stairs when you felt someone lifting you up. You wrapped you arms around his neck seeing that he is one of your husband, Hoseok. He carried you downstairs and put you on couch. 

You: Thank you hubby. *pecked his lips*

Hoseok: No need for thanks babygirl, it's my duty to take care of my pregnant wife.


You are Kim Jeon Jung Min Park Y/N. And before you ask about having so many surnames then let me tell you. You are wife of 7 dangerous mafia kings, Bangtan Sonyeondan. And now you will ask about how you fell in love with them and how you accepted them so let me tell you. Before being their wife, you were sold to them as a sex slave. What you did not know that these mafia's already loved you. They saw you playing in a park with children, helping everyone and they fell in love with your kind nature and sweet personality.

 They got to know that you lived with your uncle and aunt who always torture you so when your uncle and aunt saw the amount which they are getting to sell you, they immediately agreed as they were so much greedy for money. Your aunt told you that mafia kings want you to be their sex slave which was nowhere the truth.

When mafia kings confessed their love for you, you thought that they were just playing with you but they told you that their feelings are genuine so you gave them a chance. After 1 year of them courting you, you finally confessed your feelings to them and now it's already 2 years since you guys are married. They also gave your uncle and aunt a painful death for torturing you.

Now you are 8 months pregnant living happily with your 7 husbands who are mafia kings. They are so dangerous and scary for the world but the sweetest and loveliest when it comes to you. They are obsessed with you and this obsession is healthy only for you but unhealthy for others. You are now sitting on the couch watching your fav drama munching on your snacks. Your husbands went on a mission today except Hoseok and he is in his office room doing some works.

After an hour, you get bored of watching the drama so you went to the garden to take a walk. You were walking through the flowers when an idea came to your mind making you happy. You quickly went inside the house and went to Hoseok's office room where he was working. You came inside after a knock and saw him talking to someone on the phone.

You went to him and sat on his lap wrapping your arms around his waist. He also wrapped one of his arms around you and kissed your forehead. He cut the call after a few minutes.

Hoseok: What happened baby??

You: Promise me that you will not deny.

Hoseok: Little lady, first you have to tell me what you want, only then I will decide.

You: You will deny after hearing me.

Hoseok: My sweetu, why are you asking for something which you know that I will deny to give.

You: Hobi, I want to go on a picnic with you all.

Hoseok: This much only, then we will have a picnic in our gar........

You: Noo!!!! I want to go outside.

Hoseok: Boba, you know na that our enemies will try to take advantage of this and moreover you are pregnant.

You: Please hobi. *pout + puppy eyes*

Hoseok: No means no.

After trying for half an hour, he agreed but you also have to take permission from other 6 husbands of yours and you know that it will be nowhere easy. But you also want to go outside, it's been months since you last went out. At night everyone came and after dinner you all were sitting in living room. You also told them about your request and as you expected they denied.

You: Please na hubbys.

Jin: Babygirl, it will be so dangerous.

Namjoon: And we don't want to put you in any danger, darling.

Yoongi: And also this little bean growing inside you, hun.

You: But you all will be there to protect me na.

Taehyung: We know that baby but still.

Jimin: Our enemies are so merciless, they will not think twice before killing you, yeobo.

You: But you will be there na.

Jungkook: We know that sweet pie but still a no from us.

You gave puppy eyes to Hoseok who gave you "I told you before" look. When you saw there was no way so you used your last method. You started wailing forcing your eyes to make tears. Hoseok know that this was your trick to make them agree but he also stayed silent as he know that you will be more sad if you will not go and that will not be good for both you and your baby. When the rest of them saw you crying so loud, it was painful for them to watch you cry.

Jungkook: Baby don't cry please.

You: No, you never let me go out. I wanna go out. *crying harder*

Jimin: Honey, please don't cry.

Now you are not acting anymore, you are crying in reality and your pregnancy hormones are also adding more fuel.

Jin: Sweetu, we all agree to take you out but don't cry please.

Everyone looked at him in shock but he signed them to stay quiet.

You: Will you really take me out??

Namjoon: Yes hun, we all will go on a picnic but you have follow some rules.

You: I will.

Taehyung: Now you are not crying, huh?? It was all acting to make us agree, darling.

Yoongi: Wrong move babygirl. You will get your punishment but as you are pregnant so I will add this to the list too. *looking at you*

Hoseok: You will get all of your punishments together honey so prepare yourself. *deep voice*

You gulped hearing this. You know that you will end up like this but there's nothing to regret as you will finally go out after 8 months. 

Next day, you got ready at 6 am and went to their rooms to wake them up. They all were still so sleepy but for you, they went to freshen up. After you had you breakfast, you all sat in your car. Jin was driving and Yoongi was sitting on passenger seat. In the middle row, you, Namjoon and Taehyung were sitting with you in the middle. And at the last, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting. 2 cars were driving ahead of you and you at the back, one on the left side and the other one on the right side.

Today you are also going out with them so this much protection was needed. After 1 hour, you finally reached your destination which was a forest, picnic forest to be exact. People come here in this forest to have some quality time with their loved ones. You are so excited to enjoy your time with your husbands.

Requested by  suhidaJakirhussain.

This was part 1, 2nd part is on the way.

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