Bad boy and His Innocent Girl (Namjoon)

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You were sleeping peacefully in your cozy bed without caring about the world. You mother came and opened the curtains. You slowly sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes. Your mom sat beside you and caressed your hairs and you put your head on her shoulder.

Your mom: Wake up now baby. It's time to rise and shine.

You: Mhhhmmm~ Good Morning mom.

Your mom: Good Morning my child. Now quickly freshen up, I will make your breakfast now.

You: Okay I will. *falls on bed again*

Your mom: Don't sleep again. *shouts from outside*

You whined and got up from the bed and went to washroom to freshen up. After you came, you changed to your school uniform and put your books in your bag according to schedule and take your phone and went downstairs to have breakfast. When you came to dining, you saw your dad was sitting on one of the chairs holding newspaper in his left hand and drinking his coffee from the mug which was in his right hand.

You went to him and hugged him wishing Good Morning, he wished and hugged you back. Your mom came out of the kitchen and set up the dining.

Your mom: Eat your breakfast now baby.

Your dad: Today I will send my daughter to school.

You: Thank you dad. *smiles*

After you finished your breakfast, you sat with your dad in the car and he started driving.

Your dad: How's school going princess??

You: It's going well dad.

Your dad: I pity your classmates.

You: Why dad??

Your dad: Because my daughter is so hard working and so studious that you never give anyone a chance to top. *laugh*

You: Dad, don't tease me na. *whining*

Your dad: Okay okay, I will not tease you. But princess you should also enjoy your school life. Not everything is about study and study. And also do my daughter have a boyfriend?? *teasing you*

Your relationship with your dad is so cool. He was also the cool dad so you never had to hide anything from him. And also he always teases you about having a boyfriend.

You: Dad I don't have any boyfriend. If I will make one then you will be the first person to know.

Your dad: Hmm, then I will also take his test that is he even worthy to be my daughter's boyfriend or not??

You: Okay dad, you can any type of test you want to.

Your dad: Me and your mom needs to go to some relatives house for some days. I think we will be back in 1 and a half week.

You: Okay but bring something for me.

And soon you reached your school. You picked up your bag and hugged your dad and then went out of the car waving at him. You walked inside your school. You went to your locker to take out your books when someone came and turned you around slowly and now your back is touching the locker. You were holding your books on your chest and looking down. He came to your level and whispered in your ears.

??: Good Morning, babygirl. *deep voice*

You blushed hearing what he called you and also because of his deep voice. He always calls you with sweet names but instead of getting used to it, you also blush like it's the first time he is calling you with sweet nicknames. 


You are Moon Y/N, 17 years old, a high school student. A simple, normal girl living with her parents happily. You are shy and soft girl. You have crush on school's badboy, Kim Namjoon, 18 years old. Even though he is a year older than you, he is in the same class as yours. He never talks to any girl except you and that's why all the girls in the school are jealous of you. Some students say that both of you are dating privately. Namjoon is also possessive of you like he is your boyfriend so it's like you both are in a relationship but that's unofficial because both of you know that you like each other but never confessed.

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